
第65章 红色金属--铜

1.There is only one metal which is red in colour.Its name is copper.On the shores of Lake Superior in North America,lumps of pure copper are found in the rocks;but in Cornwall①,and in Australia,and in many other places,we find copper as an ore②.


2.An ore is a metal united with one or two other substances.Copper ore looks like a stone of a black,or a green,or a red colour.Looking at a lump of the ore,no one would think that there was any copper in it.

①Cornwall,a county in the southwest of England.

②Ore,metal mixed with other substances,as it is dug from the earth.

3.The other substances which are combined①with the copper to form the stony-looking ore are sulphur②,iron,and oxygen③.These substances are got rid of by first roasting the ore in a furnace④,and then smelting or melting it in a much hotter furnace.This is repeated⑤three times,until at last the pure copper is left by itself.

4.The smelting of copper ore is chiefly carried on in the town of Swansea,in South Wales,to which port ships bring copper ore from all parts of the world.

SECTION OF A COPPER MINE,CORNWALL.(康沃尔,铜矿一角)5.Copper can be rolled or hammered out into thin sheets,and so we say that it is malleable.It can also be easily drawn out into wire,and for this reason we call it ductile.Sheet copper is much①Combined,united;joined together.

②Sulphur,a yellow mineral substance.

③Oxygen,a gas,forming part of the air,which supports life and flame.

④Furnace,a close fire-place for melting metals,etc.

⑤Repeated,done over again.

used for covering the bottoms of ships,and for making kettles and saucepans and many other household articles.

6.Copper is a good conductor of electricity①-thatis,it allows electricity to pass along it very easily.When electric lights or electric bells are put up,copper wire is always used.The cables②which are placed on the bottom of the sea to carry telegraph messages from one country to another have copper wires running through them.

7.Copper does not rust or tarnish so quickly as iron when exposed to the air.But if we heat a piece of sheet copper in a clear fire,we shall find that the surface turns black,from the copper rust which forms all over it.

8.Copper is harder than lead,for we cannotscratch it with our finger-nail as we can scratch lead.



But it is not so hard as iron,for it is easily scratched by an iron nail.Copper takes on a fine polish,and the surface of a piece of clean and polished copper is very bright.


Copper is generally found mixed with other substances,which are got rid of by first roasting and then smelting the ore.Copper ore is brought from all parts of the world to Swansea to be smelted.Copper is malleable and ductile.It is harder than lead,but not so hard as iron.Sheet copper is used for sheathing the bottoms of ships and for making household utensils.Telegraph cables are made with copper wire.

①Electricity,an unseen force possessed by certain substances.

②Cables,ropes made of iron wires.









8.铜的硬度比铅要高,因为与铅不同,我们无法用指甲在铜的表面刮出痕迹。不过它的硬度又比不上铁,因为我们可以用铁钉轻松地在铜的表面留下刮痕。铜的抛光性很好,一块经过抛光的纯铜表面能够呈现明亮的光泽。⑦译注①铜:铜的颜色也可以称作紫红色。苏必利尔湖(Lake Superior)是世界上最大的淡水湖,1622年为法国探险家发现,湖名取自法语,意为“上湖”,为美国和加拿大共有。这里的纯铜矿是世界上最大的纯铜矿区。纯铜也叫自然铜,在世界其他一些地区也有分布,但最多的还是矿石。古人在7000年前就开始利用自然铜,冶炼铜矿石的技术是很久以后才出现的。全世界铜矿最丰富的国家是智利。中国有不少著名的铜矿,如安徽铜陵、江西德兴等。




⑤海底电缆:全世界第一条海底通信电缆1850年敷设在英国和法国之间,1866年又成功敷设了一条横贯大西洋的电缆。安徒生在1871年专门为它写了一篇童话《大海蟒》(The Great Sea Serpent)。中国在1871年也由丹麦“大北电报公司”敷设了一条从海参崴通到上海的电缆。现在的海底通信电缆的材料,除了铜,还用上了光纤。

