
第22章 一棵麦穗

1.I am sure that you have all had some bread to eat to-day.How many of you know what bread is made of?The baker makes it of flour mixed with water,and some yeast,and a little salt.These things mixed together make a thick paste,called dough.Dough is made into bread by baking it in an oven.


2.The white flour is got by grinding the grains or seeds of wheat.But the farmer does not grind all his wheat.He sows someof it in his fields,and in a few weeks he sees long narrow leaves springing up,just like blades of grass.

3.Then the stem of the plant appears,and it grows to a height of three or four feet.This stem is hollow and jointed.If you look at the stems of grasses,you will see that they are just the same.

4.In autumn,an “ear”forms at the end of each stem.It is made up of many grains of wheat,each of which has a hard covering or husk.

5.The ears and seeds of grasses are very like the ears and seeds of wheat,only they are much smaller.So we know that wheat is nothing but a large kind of grass.

6.But wheat is not a wild grass.It was once a wild grass;but it has been takenEARS OF WHEAT(小麦穗)care of for a great many years.It has beensown in good ground;and so it now grows tall,and its seeds are very large.

7.It is just the same with children.Boys and girls who are well taken care of by their good fathers and mothers grow bigger and stronger than very poor children,who have no one to look after them.

8.There are several other kinds of grain that were once,like wheat,only wild grasses.These are barley,oats,rice,and rye.If we pull up any of these plants,we shall find that their roots are little white threads,just like the roots of all grasses.

9.Did you ever notice the flowers of the wheat-plant and of the wild grasses?You will have tolook very closely to see them,but there they are-very small flowers of a green colour.



THE BAKER(100年前英国的面包师傅)

10.The dry,yellow stems of the wheat-plant are called straw.The straw hats which you use in summer are made of the stems of wheat,orof some plant of the same kind.Get some straw and see if you can plait it in the same way as this:-This is the way straw hats are made.


Wheat is a large kind of grass,called grain,which grows from seed.Long,narrow leaves spring up,then hollow and jointed stems appear,and in the autumn an ear made up of many grains or seeds of wheat forms at the end of each stem.The seeds are ground into flour,which,when mixed with water,yeast,and salt,is made into bread.Other grains are barley,oats,rice,and rye.












⑤历史上培育小麦成就最大的人,大概是美国的“绿色革命之父”诺曼·博洛格(Norman Borlaug,1914-2009),1944-1960年期间,他培养出了抗病、高产的“半矮秆小麦”,让小麦产量大幅度提高,对消除全世界的饥荒作出了无与伦比的贡献。为此他在1970年获得了诺贝尔和平奖。他和中国的“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平一样,改造的都是种植量最大、对人类最重要的农作物。

