
第111章 面粉与面包(6)

1.Hid from our eyes,deep in the ground,Great stores of gems and gold are found,Rich mines of lead,and tin so fine;But more than these,I prize the mine Of rough,tough iron.

2.We make of gold bright seals and rings,Fine chains,and other pretty things;But spades and shovels,rakes and hoes,Saws,axes,chisels,scythes,and ploughs,Are rough,tough iron.

3.We make of silver,shining white,Bright ornaments to please the sight;But bolts and bars to guard at night,And swords and guns our foes to fight,Are rough,tough iron.

4.Then let me try to judge aright:

Oft useful things don’t please the sight,Things good for use oft are not fair-I‘ll prize the things that useful are,Like rough,tough iron.







Birdie and I


1.Birdie,where are you going,dear,In such haste?

Grapes are purpling far and near;Stop and taste.

2.Apples are reddening on the bough;Warm winds blow;Never was world so pleasant as now:Why will you go?

3.Who has been filling your feathery headWith such dismayThat,with your tail and your wings outspread,You hurry away?

4.Surely if we big folks and wise See no causeTo flee from these blue and sunny skies,You might pause-5.Pause for a little while,and see ’Tis autumn yet;Winter is old and blind,and he May forget.

6.Just for a moment Birdie stops,Winks his eyeLike a shining bead,and nearer hops To make reply.

7.“Winter ‘forget’indeed!Not he!

Any linnet

Would laugh at the foolish hope,and see Nothing in it.

8.”Could you but see my nest safe swung In a great fan palm,With perfumed flower-cups overhung,With their breath of ball!

9.“Great gold oranges growing close by,Ripen at will;A single hop from my nest,and I Can use my bill.

10.”Do you think,when I can see such sweet Sights and shapes,I am likely to linger here and eat Your sour grapes?

11.“To see the roses grow pale and die,And ice and snowFill the nest we built so lovingly A while ago?

12.”Winter will come:yet stay,if so To you best seems;We birds are but small,but well we know What comfort means.“13.A flick,a whirr-he is off,he is gone,Lost in the sky;And I shiver and think,how sad I have grownToo big to fly.
















The Sparrow in The Snow


1.He hopped down cheerily into the snow,Brave little barefoot Brownie,As if that were the warmest thing below,And as cosy as it is downy.

2.And his brown little knowing saucy head,In a way that was certainly funny,He jerked to one side,as if he had said,“I don‘t care though it isn’t sunny!”

3.“I don‘t care!I don’t care!”he chirped and said,And he winked his eye so cheery,“For somebody‘s left me some crumbs of bread,So the whole world is not dreary.

4.”And what’s a cold toe,when I have a whole suit Of the warmest and best brown feathers?

I don‘t care though I have not a shoe to my foot;I’m a bird,sir,for all sorts of weathers.

5.“I don‘t fly away at the first touch of frost,Like some of your finer-tongued birds;I don’t think everything‘s ruined and lostWhen the wind mutters threatening words.

6.”I don’t care!“he chirped;“I don‘t care!

I don’t care!

It might be a great deal colder

But I am a fellow that knows not fear;Old Winter but makes me bolder!”

7.Ah,plain,little,hardy,brown-coated bird,Through life I‘ll try to rememberTo meet all its storms with a cheerful word,And like thee to brave my December.
