Historianshistorian have been scrutinizingscrutinize Einstein’s scientific,professional and personal papers since his death in 1955.Princeton University Press is also publishing the materials in print.Eight volumes have emerged so far and a further 17are planned.
Internet Can Make Shopping More Sustainable
Online services can benefit environment but products are more complex.
Ebusiness can be good for the environment,a new European report concludes.
But it risks being just as unsustainable as conventional consumption.
The main environmental benefit could come from the transformation of solid products into services based on digital information,the study found.For example,going to the shop and buying a CD uses materialsmaterials 原料and energy equivalentequivalent to producing six aluminiumaluminium cans,but downloading a CD’s worth of music online uses less than three cans.
But if a computer user burns every tune they download onto a blank CD,or if they use broadband connections to download more music or stay online permanently,they can consume more electricity,fossil fuelsfuels (美国陆军)航空燃料辛烷值测定法航空燃料评价法,minerals and so on than someone who drives to the record shop.
“Online products move the environmental burden from the producer to the consumer,”says the report’s lead author,Michael Kuhndt of the Wuppertal Institute.
There are no big gains for ordering products off the Internet,he says.“The small delivery trucks consumeconsume as much energy as going to the shops yourself would.”
“We need to change lifestyle and behaviour—there’s a big potential for improvement,but in the current system,you don’t see it.”Kuhndt adds.Most retailers,for example,have set up online services without scalingscaling back their realworld operations.
The report is the final product of a 2year scheme called Digital Europe.The EUfunded project examined how information technology will change the way that business consumes energy and materials and produces waste.
Researchers in Germany,Italy and the UK worked with 11business partners to calculate the environmental impact of products and services such as music,banking and handheld computers.
For example working with the UK bank Barclays,the Wuppertal team found that paying a bill online is more than twice as efficient as paying it at a bank counter.
Barclay’s plan to introduce online statements “has been heavily influenced by what we’ve found in this study.”says its environmentaI di rector PhiI Case.
Scientists and business people will meet next week in Venice to discuss the report and plan the next steps.
“It’s exciting that sustainability is at the heart of the European Union’s policy development.”comments Tim Aldrich,an adviser at Forum for the Future,a UKbased charity that advocatesadvocate sustainablesustainable development.