

Dionysius, the tyrant of Sicily, was far from being happy, though he had great riches, and all the pleasures which wealth could procure. Damocles, one of his flatterers, told him that no monarch had ever been greater or happier than Dionysius. "Hast thou a mind, " said the king, "to taste this happiness, and to know what that is of which thou hast so high an idea?"Damocles with joy accepted the offer.

The king ordered that a royal banquet should be prepared,and a gilded sofa placed for him. There were sideboards loaded with gold and silver plate of immense value. Fragrant ointments, flowers, and perfumes were added to the feast, and the table was loaded with choice delicacies of every kind. Damocles, over-elated with pleasure, fancied himself amongst superior beings.

But, in the midst of all this happiness, as he lay indulging himself in state, he saw let down from the ceiling, just over his head, a large, bright sword hung by a single hair. This sight put an end to his joy.

The pomp of his attendance, the glitter of the carved plate, and the delicacy of the viands cease to afford him any pleasure. He dreads to stretch forth his hand to the table. He throws off the garland of roses. He hastens to move from so dangerousa situation, and earnestly begs the king to restore him to his former humble condition, having no desire to enjoy any longer a happiness so terrible.

By this device, Dionysius showed to Damocles how wretched he was in the midst of all the treasures and all the honours which royalty could bestow.

From the Latin of Cicero

Author.-Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.) was a Roman orator and statesman, noted for his speeches, his letters, and his philosophical and political works.

General.-What did the suspended sword represent? Does it hangover each one of us? What gives us courage to put aside all fear of the sword? Accent Damocles on the " Dam " and "eles, " and Dionysius on the "ny. " What other king rebuked flatterers? In what way? Cicero may be pronounced sǐs"-er-ō or kǐk"-er-ō.