
第11章 城市导航City Guide(8)

拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas)是美国内华达州最大的城市,着名的旅游、购物、度假和赌博胜地。2003年人口普查局的官方数字为518 313人。自1909年起,拉斯维加斯就是克拉克郡的郡行政中心。



Las Vegas, the name alone summonssummons n.召唤, [律]传唤, 召集, 传票 vt.传唤到法院, 唤出, 传到 images of millions of neon lights, elaborate shows, outrageous performers and bustling casinos where millions are won and lost every night. Las Vegas is all of that but much more. This fabulous city represents the American Dream. Once just a dusty watering hole less than 70 years ago, it has been transformed into one of the most elaborate cities in the world and the hottest vacation spot for the entire family.

Las Vegas is second only to Walt Disney World as the favorite vacation destination in the United States. Last year the city drew nearly 30 million visitors and estimates show it will exceed that number this year.

Las Vegas is the largest city to be developed in the 20th century and it continues to grow each month. Approximately 4,000 people a month move to Las Vegas . They are lured to this town for its abundanceabundance n.丰富, 充裕, 丰富充裕 of jobs, its beautiful and affordable master planned communities and the freedom from state taxes.

Las Vegas is one of the most exciting and affordable places to live. New home sales are relatively low, restaurant and buffet dining can be cheaper than preparing a meal at home, entertainment is abundant and the weather is beautiful and sunny most every day of the year.

Although, gaming is a $5.5 billion dollar business, Las Vegas is attracting more and more businesses who want to set up manufacturing plants, corporate offices and other nongaming industries which seem to thrive as well as the megaresorts on the Las Vegas Strip. Come take a tour inside the most dazzlingdazzling adj.眼花缭乱的, 耀眼的 city in America and see what Las Vegas can offer you.

Las Vegas has become America,s favorite destination by continually repackaging itself to the world. This city is constantly growing and changing to keep attracting record breaking numbers of visitors each year. When gaming became legal in other parts of the country some thought the death knoll would sound for Las Vegas, but the added competition has only enhanced the city,s reputation for being the best. Las Vegas is not only good at promoting gaming but it has achieved excellence in customer service. You need not be a high roller to feel pampered in this city and due to the low cost of rooms, food and entertainment, a vacation in Las Vegas can be very affordable.