
第6章 城市导航City Guide(4)

In 1969 considerable deposits of crude oil were discovered in the North Sea. Since then, North Sea Oil has come to eclipse Aberdeen,s traditional industries, employing an estimated half a million people living in and around the city. Aberdeen,s port has been improved and developed to serve the off shore oil rigs with the result that most of the fishing fleetsfleet n.舰队(尤指有固定活动地区的舰队), 港湾, 小河 adj.快速的, 敏捷的, 浅的 adv.浅 vt.消磨 vi.疾驰, 飞逝, 掠过 have been moved along the shore to Peterhead. Economically this so called “European Oil Capital” has left other Scottish cities behind-indeed, by some accounts it is the wealthiest area in the UK outside the southeast of England.

Aberdeen is a Scottish success story. Any visitor to the city will be impressed by the lively bustle of its streets and the ceaselessceaseless adj.不停的, 不断的 activity in the port. The impact of the petroleum industry is undeniable, but in some senses it should not be seen as a development which entirely breaks with the past: Aberdeen has always been a successful port city and has always had an internationally minded economy. Today this cosmopolitan University City is home to around a quarter of a million people and provides a wealth of cultural diversions for all ages. For the visitor its grand granite buildings, which shimmer after rainstorms like polished silver, its distinctive thoroughfaresthoroughfare n.通道,大道, its harbour and sandy beach, provide other, more natural, attractions. Even when the oil deposits dry up, Aberdonians should have the confidence to realise that their city is as robustrobust adj.精力充沛的 and durable as the material from which it has been constructed.



印威内斯(Inverness)是苏格兰北部一个不大的小镇,号称是“英国最北方的都会区”。它因地处内斯河口而得名(印威内斯是内斯河口的意思)。印威内斯的旅游业很发达,每年到此游览的旅客很多,这多半是拜尼斯湖所赐。尼斯湖是最着名及最多游客参观的地点。尼斯湖是一个狭长的湖泊,南北长约40公里,最宽之处不过3公里。尼斯湖终年不结冰,加上青山环翠,风景宜人,但它最能吸引人的却是因为它的传闻。传闻中,指尼斯湖内有一水怪,使这里增添了神秘的色彩,探险家、观光客均闻风而至,希望能一睹水怪的真貌。不管尼斯湖是否真的有水怪存在,这传闻却令尼斯湖成为世界上无人不知的旅游点,游客到了苏格兰,亦不能错过游览尼斯湖的机会。印威内斯的标志就是河边山顶上的那座红墙堡垒(Castle)——印威内斯堡(Inverness Castle)。它建于河边小山之上, 本是古代镇守要地的山头堡,现改为地方政府办公室及法院。旁边的印威内斯博物馆,展出了不少当地的历史及考古文物。 站在城堡上可俯瞰全市风貌,景色甚是美观。

Inverness is the only city in the Scottish Highlands. It lies at the mouth of the River Ness as it flows into the Moray Firth in northeast Scotland. It is from this that the city derives its name; Inbhir Nis is Scots Gaelic for “mouth of the Nis”. The river flows from nearby Loch Ness and the Caledonian Canal connects Loch Ness, Loch Oich, and Loch Lochy. Loch Ness is the home of the famous Loch Ness Monster, commonly known as NessieNessie n.(口)(英国苏格兰北部的)尼斯湖水怪. The city is the administrative centre for Highland Council, and was formerly the county town of Invernessshire. The name Inverness is given to the most extensive of the Lieutenancy areas of Scotland.