
第22章 名校风采Famous Universities(1)

The University of Florence


佛罗伦萨大学是意大利着名的大学,不仅有着辉煌的过去,而且现在是重要的现代化高等学府。在佛罗伦萨大学,讲座和研讨会以周为单位进行。有一些课程,尤其是涉及科技领域的课程,还包括实验室实践培训。讲座还与研讨会相结合,研讨会以学生和教师之间的讨论为基础,最后学生作口头和书面报告。学生在每门课程结束时必须参加考试,通常为口试,但在这之前可能要参加笔试。考试成绩在0~30分之间,及格成绩在18~30分之间。 在学位或文凭课程结束时,学生必须写论文并参加论文答辩。


The University of Florence is a reality suspended between old and new. The University of Florence can now boastboast n.自夸, 值得夸耀的事物 v.自夸, 以有……而自豪 a series of new buildings, in other words, the Scientific and Technological Campus at Sesto Fiorentino, only a few kilometres outside the city, near the industrial area of Osmannoro, which were officially opened by the Magnifico Rector in the summer of 2002. These new, extremely modern, structures are designed to host faculties specialising in scientific and technological subjects and are equipped with all the latest multimedial instruments. The scheme to decentralise and modernise the university offices and lecture halls means that the Faculties of Agriculture and Engineering will also be moving from their present quarters within the next few years. However, for the moment, little has changed in the beautiful old palaces in the old city centre with their wealth of artisticartistic adj.艺术的, 有美感的, 风雅的 memories: the Rector,s, administrative and accountancy offices will remain in Piazza San Marco, occupying what were once the ancient Stables of the Grand Dukes and which formerly housed Cosimo I,s Menagerie of lions when it was transferred from Palazzo Vecchio in 1550. The Faculty of Letters and Philosophy will stay in Piazza Brunelleschi, in the former convent of Santa Maria degli Angeli, built in 1295. Attributed to Ammannati, the cloistercloister n.回廊, 修道院 was in actual fact designed by Matteo Nigetti.

The Faculty of Scientific Formation instead occupies the ancient convent of Santa Trinita at n° 7, Via del Parione, reconstructed by A. Parigi in 1584 on a design by Buontalenti, with frescoes in the refectory refectory n.(修道院, 学院等处的)食堂, 餐厅carried out by Giovanni da San Giovanni. Some departments are hosted in the splendid rooms of Palazzo Marucelli Fenzi, situated at n° 10 in Via San Gallo. A historic and artistic study on this particular palace, constructed by Gherardo Silvani in 1634, has recently been published. The secret rooms, frescoed with scenes of Roman life and history by Ercole da Sebastiano Ricci between 1706~1707, can normally only be visited by a select few (the University staff and students). However the custodian is very kind and, when the various departments are not in use, she is delighted to accompany small groups to view the palace,s hidden treasures, of which she is very proud. You only need to love beautiful things! A room on the second floor, originally a bathroom, is decorated in a very similar way to the Sainte Chapelle in Paris. The University plans to leave these historic palaces soon and move its lecture halls and departments to new, more uptodate premises that are better suited for the requirements of the students. A series of buildings designed specifically for some of the university faculties are in fact being carried out in the former Fiat area, in the suburban quarter of Novoli. In the future the imposing palaces in the city centre will become part of the museum heritageheritage n.遗产, 继承权, 传统 that can be used and enjoyed by all.

The Politecnico di Milano


米兰工业大学创建于1838年, 是意大利最大也最负盛名的工业大学,在意大利理工科大学中教育的历史中占有非常重要的地位。1954年学校安装了欧洲第一台电子计算机,并对外工业企业开放,成为意大利从事信息技术研究的先驱;1963年,该校教授Giulio Natta由于在聚合物导体方面的研究获得诺贝尔奖;1977年,学校参与研制的卫星SIRIO发射成功。

经过近两百年的发展,米兰工业大学已成为意大利实力最雄厚的国立工科院校。总部位于米兰,还在Bovisa、Como、 Lecco、Cremona、Piacenza、Montova等地设有分校。设有城市环境建筑、建筑工程、民用建筑、设计、环境与国土工程、系统工程、工业工程、制造工程、信息工程等9个系,17个研究部,5个研究中心。学科设置分为5个建筑学科,一个设计学科和21个工程学科,2003~2004学年有注册学生40 000人,其中25 000主修工程学,4000人主修设计学,11 000主修建筑学。2004年2月开学时,有教学科研人员1133人,其中一级教授396人,二级教授390人,研究员和助理人员347,另有870名种类技术管理人员。2002/2003年建筑学领域的注册学生占全国的20.6%,工程学领域占11.1%,毕业生中,建筑学领域占全国21.6%,工程学领域占12.7%。



The Politecnico di Milano was established in 1863 with the name of “Istituto Tecnico Superiore” under the leadershipleadership n.领导能力, 领导阶层 of Francesco Brioschi. Deliberately planned along the lines of the polytechnics in German speaking countries by a group of academics and professors, local administrations (The City of Milan, the Province of Milan, the Chamber of Commerce and the Cassa di Risparmio delle Provincie Lombarde), cultural associations and entrepreneursentrepreneur: n.(法)企业家, 主办人 from the most prominent Milan families, the university was first located in the Collegio Elvetico in today,s Via Senato. It was opened on November, 29th, 1863 and started out with 36 students.

The cultural situation of the time was the ideal context for the creation of a school which seemed to be the tangibletangible: adj.切实的 implementation of the concepts put forward by Carlo Cattaneo. From the pages of his “Politecnico” journal, this theorist from Milan disseminateddisseminate: v.散布 the idea of a gradual political and social development of Italy through scientific progress.