
第9章 多元文化(2)

A few years ago, I read a survey of one hundred men, celebrities from various walks of life, all of whom were over 60. They were asked what they would do differently if they could live their lives again. Almost to a man they answered, “love more.”

Here,s something: type “Valentine,s Day” into the Google search engine on the internet and 1.5 million hits are found. The word “love” generates a list of 120 million sites; “what is love” returns 108,000 hits.




























Singapore: A New Venice of the 21st Century

What lessons did I learn from my visit to and readings on Venice which are relevant to Singapore?

First, one ingredient of Venetian success was national unity. The Venetians were united whereas some of their rival cities, for example, Genoa, were divided.

Second, the Venetians enjoyed good government. The central organs of government formed a pyramid, with the General Assembly at its base and the doge (duke) at its apex. In between were the Great Council, the Forty and the Senate, and the Ducal Council. The doge was elected by a nominating committee of wise men. Frederic Lane, the great historian of Venice observed: “Distrust of individual power made the Venetians depend on committees and councils. Even in their judicial system, sentences were not imposed by an individual judge but by several judges acting together. Each committee or ccouncil was checked by some other committee or council so as to assure the rule of law, even at the cost of losing some executive efficiency.” Therefore altough the Venetian Republic was not a democracy, the Venetians did enjoy good governance.

Third, Venice prospered because it used its maritime power to enforce freedom of navigation. Freedom of navigation is crucial to maritime trade. Even today, the bulk of world trade is seaborne. However, unlike the past, an increasing share of world trade is airborne. Electronic commerce has become a reality and is expected to grow exponentially. Singapore must therefore support the freedom of navigation at sea, in the air, as well as on the Internet.

Fourth, Venice was both a trading and financial centre. Venice pioneered a commerical revolution in the 14th Century in Europe. Resident agents took the place of travelling merchants. Family partnerships, in which one brother would stay in Venice while the others would live abroad, became common. Nonfamily partnerships, joint ventures, the system of doubleentry bookkeeping, the bill of lading, the bill of exchange, and marine insurance were evolved to facilitate trade.

For centuries, Venice was an important trading centre linking Europe with Turkey, the Arab world and the East. Venice was also a source of capital, to finance trade, the crusades, and various kings and princes of Europe. Banking developed in Venice in the 12th Century. Until the Church prohibited usury, Venetian creditors used to charge 20% interest on wellsecured loans. After the prohibition, Venice developed its own standard of what was legitimate gain. Its approval as nonusurious the payment of a rate of return determined by market conditions, much as we do today.

Fifth, I was impressed by the reputation for competence and professionalism of Venetian leaders, admirals, diplomats, ship builders, glass blowers, and other artisans. The Venetians excelled in war and in peace. The talent and ability of the Venetian leaders and citizens was one of the necessary ingredients of the success of the city state. This lesson is timeless. It is as relevant to presentday Singapore as it will be to Singapore in the 21st centry.

To sum up, the five lessons which I have learnt from ancient Venice which are relevant to Singapore are:

a. The importance of national unity;

b. The crucial role of good governance;

c. The fact that the fate of a nation is ultimately dependent upon the quality of its people and its leaders;

d. The value of freedom of navigation, on the sea, and by extension, in the air, and on the Internet;

e. The imperative for Singapore to maintain its preeminence as an international trading and financial centre.

The five “ingredients” Singapore needs to become the modern Venice:

The importance of national unity;

The crucial role of good governance;

The fact that the fate of a nation is ultimately dependent upon the quality of its people and its leaders;

The value of freedom of navigation, on the sea, and by extension, in the air, and on the Internet;