
第3章 智慧火花(3)

Why all this fuss with paper and pens and ballot boxes when machines can simplify the whole task? Actually, the trouble in Florida centred on the difficulty of reading ballots from voting machines. Ah, but we live in a hightech era: why not go over to electronic voting using touchscreen systems or the internet? Because these electronic methods are far more open to manipulation, whether by mischiefminded hackers or political operatives who will stop at nothing to win. And if tampering occurs, a clean audit of the votes is impossible.






Clear Thinking Needed after Euphoria

China took a step forward in its space programme at 9am on Oct 15,2003 when, with the entire nation watching, its first manned space flight Shenzhou V blasted into space. Every Chinese was elated and Jiuquan city in Gansu province, the closest place to the launch centre, became the focus of global attention.

For any Chinese or Asian, the successful launch of Shenzhou V is doubtless a cause for jubilation. A developing Asian nation has become a space power and joined the elite club of nations that have sent man into space.

Like thousands of overseas Chinese students, I was flushed with pride over this historic moment for China. But when the euphoria was over, the question that struck me was: What should we really be cheering about?

Let,s take a look back at history.

In April 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin marked the first chapter in manned space flights in human history by becoming the first man to orbit the Earth for seven days.

In July 1969, American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon. Many will still remember vividly Armstrong,s nowfamous comment when he first stepped down on the lunar surface: “one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”.

Admittedly, with the intense Cold War rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States, the glory of such achievements was somewhat diluted by the strong element of space competition between the two superpowers.

Military competition can, of course, quicken the pace of development in space technology. The significance in the difference between a small step and a giant leap provides much food for thought.

While Chinese should rightfully be proud of Shenzhou V, they need to understand that it is development that is peaceful, forwardlooking and unlimited that China should take pride in. The determination to continue China,s space exploration should be motivated by the desire to make peaceful progress and not narrowedminded nationalism.

Technological spinoffs from growth in the space industry should not be overlooked either. Yes, China has grown in national strength but its people should realise that the road ahead is a bumpy one when the celebration is over.

The challenge for the Chinese is to be able to always hold their heads high, not just momentarily. This requires them to focus on practical, rather than symbolic significance as well as rational thinking.

Further development in space exploration by mankind calls for cooperation between countries. The launch of Shenzhou V has made China the third country in the world to have a successful manned flight. Perhaps this could help promote the “spirit of cooperation”. Space is the ultimate frontier of human exploration and its farreaching impact is on the entire human race, not just confined to a particular country or a few scientists.

Cooperation and development are both crucial. The issue for the Chinese is not only how to develop, but also how to work hand in hand with other countries. At the same time, willingness by other countries and regions to work together with China is equally important.

Now that the euphoria is over, perhaps everyone should cool down and ask what he or she should do next.














