
第3章 Man About Town(3)

“Im glad you brought up the subject, Ive felt the influence of this nocturnalnocturnal adj.夜的, 夜曲的 blight upon our city, but I never thought to analyse it before. I can see now that your ‘Man About Town’ should have been classified long ago. In his wake spring up wine agents and cloak models, and the orchestra p1ays ‘Lets All Go Up to Mauds’ for him, by request, instead of Handel. He makes his rounds every evening, while you and I see the elephant once a week. When the cigar store is raided, he winks at the officer, familiar with his ground, and walks away immuneimmune adj.免疫的, while you and I search among the Presidents for names, and among the stars for addresses to give the desk sergeant.


My friend, the critic, pausedpause n.中止, 暂停, 休止符 vi.暂停, 中止, 停顿,踌躇 n.暂停 n.DOS命令:暂停批文件处理, 在继续处理之前等待按任一键 to acquire breath for fresh eloquence. I seized my advantage.


“You have classified him.” I cried with joy. “You have painted his portraitportrait n.肖像, 人像 in the gallery of city types. But I must meet one face to face. I must study the ‘Man About Town’ at first hand. Where shall I find him? How shall I know him?”


Without seeming to hear me, the critic went on. And his cabdriver was waiting for his fare, too.


“He is the sublimated essence of Buttin, the refined, intrinsic extract of Rubber, the concentrated, purified, irrefutableirrefutable adj.不能反驳的, 不能驳倒的, unavoidable spirit of Curiosity and Inquisitiveness. A new sensation is the breath in his nostrilsnostril n.鼻孔, when his experience is exhaustedexhausted adj.耗尽的, 疲惫的 he explores new fields with the indefatigabilityindefatigability n.不疲劳, 不屈不挠 of a—”

“他是一种高度升华爱管闲事的精髓,一种内在的精制橡胶蒸馏品,一种高度集中、高度纯化,无可辩驳而又不可避的好奇和寻根问底的精灵。他的鼻孔能嗅出一次新的轰动事件,当他的阅历耗尽时,他又以一种…… 不屈不挠地去开拓新的领域。”

“Excuse me,” I interrupted, “but can you produce one of this type? It is a new thing to me. I must study it. I will search the town over until I find one. Its habitat must be here on Broadway.”


“I am about to dine here.” said my friend. “Come inside, and if there is a Man About Town present I will point him out to you. I know most of the regular patronspatron n.(对某人, 某种目标, 艺术等)赞助人, 资助人 here.”

“我就要在这儿就餐,”我的朋友说,“进来吧,如果有个‘包打听’ 出现,我就指给你看。我认识这儿的绝大多数顾主。”

“I am not dining yet.” I said to him. “You will excuse me. I am going to find my Man About Town this night if I have to rake New York from the Battery to Little Coney Island.”


I left the hotel and walked down Broadway. The pursuitpursuit n.追击 of my type gave a pleasant savour of life and interest to the air I breathed. I was glad to be in a city so great, so complex and diversified. Leisurely and with something of an air I strolled along with my heart expanding at the thought that I was a citizen of great Gotham, a sharer in its magnificencemagnificence n.华丽, 富丽堂皇 and pleasures, a partaker in its glory and prestigeprestige n.声望, 威望, 威信.


I turned to cross the street. I heard something buzz like a bee, and then I took a long, pleasant ride with SantosDumont.


When I opened my eyes I remembered a smell of gasolinegasoline n.汽油, and I said aloud: “Hasnt it passed yet?”


A hospital nurse laid a hand that was not particularly soft upon my brow that was not at all fevered. A young doctor came along, grinned, and handed me a morning newspaper.


“Want to see how it happened?” he asked cheerily. I read the article. Its headlines began where I heard the buzzing leave off the night before. It closed with these lines:“Bellevue Hospital, where it was said that his injuries were not serious. He appeared to be a typical Man About Town.”
