
第17章 A DoubleDyed Deceiver(6)


“Youre going to throw me down, then, are you?” said the consul.


“Sure.” said the Kid cheerfully. “Throw you down. Thats it. And now Ill tell you why. The first night I was up at the colonels house they introduced me to a bedroom. No blankets on the floor—a real room, with a bed and things in it. And before I was asleep, in comes this artificialartificial adj.人造的, 假的, 非原产地的 mother and tucks in the covers. ‘Panchito,’ she says, ‘my little lost one, God has brought you back to me. I bless His name forever.’ It was that, or some truck like that, she said. And down comes a drop or two of rain and hits me on the nose. And all that stuck by me, Mr. Thacker. And its been that way ever since. And its got to stay that way. Dont you think that its for whats in it for me, either, that I say so. If you have any such ideas, keep em to yourself. I havent had much truck with women in my life, and no mothers to speak of, but heres a lady that weve got to keep fooled. Once she stood it, twice she wont. Im a lowdown wolf, and the devildevil n.魔鬼, 恶棍 may have sent me on this trail instead of God, but Ill travel it to the end. And now, dont forget that Im Don Francisco Urique whenever you happen to mention my name.”


“Ill expose you today, you—you doubledyed traitortraitor n.叛逆者, 叛国者.” stammered Thacker.


The Kid arose and, without violence, took Thacker by the throat with a hand of steel, and shoved him slowly into a corner. Then he drew from under his left arm his pearlhandled 45s and poked the cold muzzle of it against the consuls mouth.


“I told you why I come here.” he said, with his old freezing smile. “If I leave here, youll be the reason. Never forget it, pardner. Now, what is my name?”


“Er—Don Francisco Urique.” gasped Thacker.


From outside came a sound of wheels, and the shouting of some one, and the sharp thwacks of a wooden whipstock upon the backs of fat horses.


The Kid put up his gun, and walked toward the door. But he turned again and came back to the trembling Thacker, and held up his left hand with its back toward the consul.


“Theres one more reason,” he said slowly, “why things have got to stand as they are. The fellow I killed in Laredo had one of them same pictures on his left hand.”


Outside, the ancient landau of Don Santos Urique rattled to the door. The coachmancoachman n.马车夫 ceased his bellowing. Senora Urique, in a voluminous gay gown of white lace and flying ribbonsribbon n.缎带, 丝带, 带, 带状物, 带子, leaned forward with a happy look in her great soft eyes.


“Are you within, dear son?” she called, in the ripplingrippling adj.起涟漪的, 潺潺流水般声音的 Castilian.


“Madre mia, yo vengo [mother, I come].” answered the young Don Francisco Urique.
