I waited till he was done with what he was at, then he took me into a back room, and overhauledoverhaul v.检查 a pile of rejected suits, and selected the rattiest one for me. I put it on. It didnt fit, and wasnt in any way attractive, but it was new, and I was anxiousanxious adj.观念的, 担忧的, 渴望的, 盼望的 to have it, so I didnt find any fault, but said, with some diffidence: “It would be an accommodation to me if you could wait some days for the money. I havent any small change about me.”
The fellow worked up a most sarcastic expression of countenance, and said: “Oh, you havent? Well, of course, I didnt expect it. Id only expect gentlemen like you to carry large change.”
I was nettled, and said: “My friend, you shouldnt judge a stranger always by the clothes he wears. I am quite able to pay for this suit; I simply didnt wish to put you to the trouble of changing a large note.”
He modified his style a little at that, and said, though still with something of an air: “I didnt mean any particular harm, but as long as rebukesrebuke n.指责, 谴责, 非难 vt.斥责, 指责, 非难,成为对……的指摘 are going, I might say it wasnt quite your affair to jump to the conclusion that we couldnt change any note that you might happen to be carrying around. On the contrary, we can.”
他稍稍收敛了一点,可那种口气还是暴露无遗。他说: “我可没成心出口伤人,不过,您要是出难题的话,我告诉您,您一张口就咬定我们找不开您带的什么票子,这可是多管闲事。正相反,我们找得开。”
I handed the note to him, and said: “Oh, very well, I apologizeapologize vi.道歉, 辩白。”
He received it with a smile, one of those large smiles which goes all around over, and has folds in it, and wrinkleswrinkle n.皱纹 v.使皱, and spirals, and looks like the place where you have thrown a brick in a pond, and then in the act of his taking a glimpse of the bill this smile froze solid, and turned yellow, and looked like those wavywavy adj.波状的, 摇摆的, 起浪的, 波动的, 不稳的, wormy spreads of lavalava n.熔岩, 火山岩 which you find hardened on little levels on the side of Vesuvius. I never before saw a smile caught like that, and perpetuated. The man stood there holding the bill, and looking like that, and the proprietorproprietor n.所有者, 经营者 hustledhustle n.急速活动, 挤, 推, 拥挤喧嚷 vt.驱赶, 驱逐,乱挤, 硬逼(某人)买或做事, 强夺 vi.硬挤过去 up to see what was the matter, and said, briskly: “Well, whats up? Whats the trouble? Whats wanting?”
他笑着接了过去,这是那种无处不在的笑容,笑里有皱,笑里带褶,一圈儿一圈儿的,就像往水池子里面扔了一块砖头;可是,只瞟了一眼钞票,他的笑容就凝固了,脸色大变,就像你在维苏威火山山麓那些平坎上看到的起起伏伏、像虫子爬似的凝固熔岩。我从来没见过谁的笑脸定格成如此这般的永恒状态。这家伙站在那儿捏着钞票,用这副架势定定地瞅。老板过来看到底出了什么事,他神采奕奕地发问: “哎,怎么啦?有什么问题?想要点什么?”
I said: “There isnt any trouble. Im waiting for my change.”
“come, come, get him his change, Tod, get him his change.”
Tod retortedretort v.反驳, 反击, 回报 n.曲颈甑, 曲颈瓶, 蒸器: “Get him his change! Its easy to say, sir, but look at the bill yourself.”
The proprietor took a look, gave a low, eloquenteloquent adj.雄辩的, 有口才的, 动人的, 意味深长的 whistle, then made a dive for the pile of rejected clothing, and began to snatch it this way and that, talking all the time excitedly, and as if to himself:那老板看了一眼,低低地吹了一声动听的口哨,一头扎进那摞退货的衣服里乱翻起来。一边翻,一边不停唠叨,好像是自言自语:“Sell an eccentriceccentric adj.古怪 n.行为古怪的人 millionairemillionaire n.百万富翁, 大富豪 such an unspeakable suit as that! Tods a fool—a born fool. Always doing something like this. Drives every millionaire away from this place, because he cant tell a millionaire from a tramp, and never could. Ah, heres the thing I am after. Please get those things off, sir, and throw them in the fire. Do me the favor to put on this shirt and this suit, its just the thing, the very thing—plain, rich, modestmodest adj.谦虚的, 谦让的, 适度的, and just ducally nobbynobby adj.时髦的, 华丽的, made to order for a foreign prince—you may know him, sir, his Serene Highness the Hospodar of Halifax, had to leave it with us and take a mourningsuit because his mother was going to die—which she didnt. But thats all right, we cant always have things the way we—that is, the way they—there! trousers all right, they fit you to a charm, sir, now the waistcoat, aha, right again! Now the coat—Lord! Look at that, now! Perfect—the whole thing! I never saw such a triumphtriumph n.胜利, 成功 v.获得胜利 in all my experience.”
I expressed my satisfaction.
“Quite right, sir, quite right, itll do for a makeshiftmakeshift n.将就, 凑合, 权宜之计 adj.权宜之计的, 凑合的, Im bound to say. But wait till you see what well get up for you on your own measure. come, Tod, book and pen, get at it. Length of leg, 32—”and so on. Before I could get in a word he had measured me, and was giving orders for dresssuits, morning suits, shirts, and all sorts of things. When I got a chance I said: “But, my dear sir, I cant give these orders, unless you can wait indefinitely, or change the bill.”
“Indefinitely! Its a weak word, sir, a weak word. Eternally—thats the word, sir. Tod, rush these things through, and send them to the gentlemans address without any waste of time. Let the minorminor n.未成年人, 副修科目 adj.较小的, 次要的,二流的, 未成年的 vi.辅修 n.[乐]小调, 小音阶 customers wait. Set down the gentlemans address and—”
“Im changing my quarters. I will drop in and leave the new address.”
“Quite right, sir, quite right. One moment—let me show you out, sir. There—good day, sir, good day.”