
第19章 Is He Living orIs He Dead?(4)


“But I didnt walk—no. I rode. I have ridden ever since. I sold one picture every day, and never tried to sell two. I always said to my customer: ‘I am a fool to sell a picture of Francois Millets at all, for that man is not going to live three months, and when he dies his pictures cant be had for love or money.’”


“I took care to spread that little fact as far as I could, and prepare the world for the event.”


“I take credit to myself for our plan of selling the pictures—it was mine. I suggested it that last evening when we were laying out our campaigncampaign n.[军]战役, (政治或商业性)活动, 竞选运动vi.参加活动, 从事活动, 作战, and all three of us agreed to give it a good fair trial before giving it up for some other. It succeeded with all of us. I walked only two days, Claude walked two—both of afraid to make Millet celebrated too close to home—but Carl walked only half a day, the bright, conscienceless rascalrascal n.流氓, 无赖, 坏蛋, 淘气鬼adj.不诚实的,卑鄙的, 下贱的, and after that he travelled like a duke.”


“Every now and then we got in with a country editor and started an item around through the press, not an item announcing that a new painter had been discovered, but an item which let on that everybody knew Francois Millet, not an item praising him in any way, but merely a word concerning the present condition of the ‘master’—sometimes hopeful, sometimes despondent, but always tinged with fears for the worst. We always marked these paragraphs, and sent the papers to all the people who had bought pictures of us.”


“Carl was soon in Paris and he worked things with a high hand. He made friends with the correspondents, and got Millets condition reported to England and all over the continent, and America, and everywhere.”


“At the end of six weeks from the start, we three met in Paris and called a halt, and stopped sending back to Millet for additional pictures. The boom was so high, and everything so ripe, that we saw that it would be a mistake not to strike now, right away, without waiting any longer. So we wrote Millet to go to bed and begin to waste away pretty fast, for we should like him to die in ten days if he could get ready.”
