
第19章 The Water of Life(3)


The old king was angry with his youngest son, and thought he had plotted against his life. So he summoned the court together and had sentence pronounced upon his son, that he should be secretly shot. And once when the prince was riding forth to the chase, suspecting no evil, the kings huntsman was told to go with him, and when they were quite alone in the forest, the huntsman looked so sorrowful that the prince said to him, “Dear huntsman, what ails you?” The huntsman said, “I cannot tell you, and yet I ought.” Then the prince said, “Say openly what it is, I will pardonpardon vt.原谅, 宽恕 you.” “Alas,” said the huntsman, “I am to shoot you dead, the king has ordered me to do it.” Then the prince was shocked, and said, “Dear huntsman, let me live, there, I give you my royal garments, give me your common ones in their stead.” The huntsman said, “I will willingly do that, indeed I would not have been able to shoot you.” Then they exchanged clothes, and the huntsman returned home, while the prince went further into the forest.


After a time three waggons of gold and precious stones came to the king for his youngest son, which were sent by the three kings who had slain their enemies with the princes sword, and maintained their people with his bread, and who wished to show their gratitude for it. The old king then thought, “Can my son have been innocentinnocent adj.(~ of) 清白的, 无罪的, 天真的, 无知的?” And said to his people, “Would that he were still alive, how it grieves me that I have suffered him to be killed.” “He still lives,” said the huntsman, “I could not find it in my heart to carry out your command.” And told the king how it had happened. Then a stone fell from the kings heart, and he had it proclaimedproclaim vt.宣布, 声明, 显示, 显露 in every country that his son might return and be taken into favor again.


The princess, however, had a road made up to her palace which was quite bright and golden, and told her people that whosoever came riding straight along it to her, would be the right one and was to be admitted, and whoever rode by the side of it, was not the right one and was not to be admitted. As the time was now close at hand, the eldest thought he would hastenhasten v.催促, 赶紧, 促进, 加速 to go to the kings daughter, and give himself out as her rescuer, and thus win her for his bride, and the kingdom to boot. Therefore he rode forth, and when he arrived in front of the palace, and saw the splendid golden road, he thought, “It would be a sin and a shame if I were to ride over that.” And turned aside, and rode on the right side of it. But when he came to the door, the servants told him that he was not the right one, and was to go away again. Soon after this the second prince set out, and when he came to the golden road, and his horse had put one foot on it, he thought, “It would be a sin and a shame, a piece might be troddentrodden vbl.tread的过去分词 off.” And he turned aside and rode on the left side of it, and when he reached the door, the attendants told him he was not the right one, and he was to go away again. When at last the year had entirely expiredexpire v.期满, 终止, 呼气, 断气, 届满, the third son likewise wished to ride out of the forest to his beloved, and with her forget his sorrows. So he set out and thought of her so incessantlyincessantly adv.不间断地, and wished to be with her so much, that he never noticed the golden road at all. So his horse rode onwards up the middle of it, and when he came to the door, it was opened and the princess received him with joy, and said he was her savioursaviour n.[亦作savior] 救星, [The Saviour]救世主, 耶稣基督, and lord of the kingdom, and their wedding was celebrated with great rejoicing. When it was over she told him that his father invited him to come to him, and had forgiven him. So he rode thither, and told him everything, how his brothers had betrayed him, and how he had nevertheless kept silence. The old king wished to punish them, but they had put to sea, and never came back as long as they lived.
