Here,s a hint on diving anywhere: When you see a coral reef that is covered with living coral,thoroughly inspect it,slowly,for it will be filled with delightful sealife,in,around,under and above it-but don,t touch it. Dead coral heads and most rock rubble areas generally hold fewer species (but fascinating ones,nonetheless).
If you opt for the northerly shore route from the entry area you,ll find many caves and indentationsindentation n.缩拢,呈锯齿状,缺口,印凹痕 as you explore the underwater terrain.The lava wall is literally filled with hiding places for Kona,s famous ula(Spiney Lobster)and(although they are being overharvested)you just may glimpse one or two peeking out at you!
Only a few yards away from the shoreline you,ll notice a gradual slope of branch coral rubble. It slopes down more rapidly as you descend to over 80′ before leveling off in a sandy flat at over 100′. As you float over this ledge watch for the infamous Crown of Thorns Sea Star. This voraciousvoracious adj.狼吞虎咽的,贪婪的 critter is covered with sharp spines that can cause considerable pain when touched (so,don,t touch ,em!). At the bottom of the bay,in the sandy area,occasionally,huge Manta Rays,and often,leopard rays are seen resting on the sandy flats. We,ve seen schools of opelu here that numbered in the thousands. Sometimes these schools are so dense they actually blot out the sun,appearing as black undulating masses of unrecognizable blobs of darkness. As they draw nearer,or if you are a brave soul and go toward them,you,ll see that the “blob” is actually thousands and thousands of tiny fish.Quite an experience.
In this area always keep your eye out,to the sides,ahead,and to your rear. Too many times,as we dive,we keep looking down-and too often,several interesting sights are missed. Make it a habit to look around-you,ll be surprised at what you,ve been missing.
A Tower of History
One of the oldest castles in England is still in use. It,s called the Tower of London. This castle in the heart of London rests on the shore of the Thames River.
The Tower was built in the year 1078 by order of William the Conquerorconqueror n.征服者,胜利者,who was then the king of England. Its purpose was to guard London. Sometimes it also served as the king,s home.
The Tower of London is more than one building. It includes a fortressfortress n.堡垒,要塞,a dark prison and lavish lavish adj.非常大方的,过分丰富的,浪费的 vt.浪费,滥用,慷慨给予 royal royal adj.王室的,皇家的,第一流的,高贵的 rooms. The buildings are surrounded by a moatmoat n.护城河,城壕 v.挖壕围绕 and a high stone wall.
The Tower has been the scene of many tragedies tragedy n.悲剧,惨案,悲惨,灾难. For years,royal prisoners were sent there before being executed. They were kept in a prison area called Traitor,s Gate. Lady Jane Grey was sent there before she was killed. Two young princes were murdered in the Tower.
Today the Tower holds a collection of old armorarmor n.装甲. It also is the storage place for the crowncrown n.王冠,花冠,顶 vt.加冕,顶上有,表彰,使圆满完成 jewels of England. And it,s a popular tourist attraction.
Italy-A Beautiful and Charming Land
The name “Italy” is extremely old. It seems to have been used first in documentsdocument n.公文,文件,文档,档案,文献 v.证明 of the 5th century B.C. To describe a small territory at the tip of the bootshaped peninsula that extends into the Mediterranean Sea. Historians used to think that the name came from that of a legendarylegendary n.传奇故事书,传奇文学 adj.传说中的 king,Italo. Many other ingenious and improbable theories have been suggested to explain the origin of the name.
No matter what its originsorigin n.起源,由来,起因,出身,血统,[数]原点,the name of that small territoryTory n.保守党党员,保皇党人 adj.保守分子的 at the tip of the boot spreads,little by little,to indicate the whole peninsula. By about AD1000 the name designateddesignated 指定的,派定的 a region,a dialectdialect n.方言,语调,and a culture. But it was not until the mid19th century that the many separate nations on the peninsula were united into one nation,the nation to which the ancient name “Italy” was given.