
第18章 Life and Diet生活与饮食(3)



The Wines of Italy

The Roman poets liked to speak of Italy as “oenotria tell us,” the land of wine; Oenotria,in fact,was the old Greek name for southeast Italy.

There is a tendencytendency n.趋向,倾向 to regard Italian wines as cheap and cheerful from Chianti in a wicker fiasco to sweet and frothyfrothy adj.起泡的,多泡的,空洞的 Lambrusco.

If Italian wines have lagged far behind the French in terms of international reputerepute n.名誉,名声 v.名誉,认为,称为,that is partly because Italy itself is such a recent creation. The regionalism of Italy is reflected in its wines.





The Delicious Pizza and Spaghetti

When one mentions Italian cooking to most foreigners they almost automaticallyautomatically adv.自动地,机械地 think of pizza and spaghetti. This is a sad oversimplificationoversimplification n.过度单纯化(的事物),because Italian cooking is as diversifieddiversified adj.多变化的,各种的 as it is delicious.

The centuries during which Italy was a collection of separate kingdoms,duchies,and republics has given the modern Italians a cuisinecuisine n.厨房烹调法,烹饪,烹调风with as many subtlesubtle adj.狡猾的,敏感的,微妙的,精细的,稀薄的 variationsvariation n.变更,变化,变异,变种,[音]变奏,变调 as their language. Pizza,for example,is a south Italian regional dish that was once served because it combined all the virtues a thrifty cook looks for - it was inexpensive,simple to make,nourishingnourishing adj.有营养的,滋养多的,and tastytasty adj.好吃的,可口的 n.好吃的东西,吸引人的东西.

The popularity of pizza as a meal or a snack snack n.小吃,快餐,一份 v.吃快餐(小吃) in America is probably greater than in Italy where it is safe to guess that many people have never even tasted one of their bestknown exports.





American Cooking

At a local supermarket,two women push halffilled grocerygrocery n.(美)食品杂货店,食品,杂货 carts. The ladies are good friends,but they couldn,t be more different. One is a stayathome housewife who loves to create culinaryculinary adj.厨房的,烹调用的,厨房用的 masterpieces from scratch. The other is a training supervisor at a prestigiousprestigious adj.享有声望的,声望很高的 advertising agency. Household chores,particularly those in the kitchen,are not her idea of fun. The two ladies stop for a moment in the frozen foods section. “I,m so tired,” sighs the professional woman. “I don,t know what to do about supper.” Her friend suggests,“What about a microwavemicrowave n.微波(波长为1毫米至30厘米的高频电磁波) dinner?” The weary professional sighs,“No,I don,t feel like cooking tonight.”