
第4章 The Story of theBad Little Boy(1)


Once there was a bad little boy whose name was Jim—though, if you will notice, you will find that bad little boys are nearly always called James in your Sundayschool books. It was strange, but still it was true, that this one was called Jim.


He didnt have any sick mother, either—a sick mother who was piouspious adj.虔诚的, 尽责的 and had the consumption, and would be glad to lie down in the grave and be at rest but for the strong love she bore her boy, and the anxiety she felt that the world might be harshharsh adj.粗糙的, 荒芜的, 苛刻的, 刺耳的, 刺目的 and cold toward him when she was gone. Most bad boys in the Sunday books are named James, and have sick mothers, who teach them to say, “Now, I lay me down.” etc., and sing them to sleep with sweet, plaintiveplaintive adj.悲哀的, 哀伤的 voices, and then kiss them good night, and kneel down by the bedside and weep. But it was different with this fellow. He was named Jim, and there wasnt anything the matter with his mother—no consumption, nor anything of that kind. She was rather stout than otherwise, and she was not pious, moreover, she was not anxious on Jims account. She said if he were to break his neck it wouldnt be much loss. She always spankedspank vt.打……的屁股, 拍击, 鞭策……前进, 飞跑 vi.飞跑 n.一巴掌, 出色的人(或东西) Jim to sleep, and she never kissed him good night, on the contrary, she boxed his ears when she was ready to leave him.


Once this little bad boy stole the key of the pantrypantry n.餐具室, 食品室, and slipped in there and helped himself to some jam, and filled up the vessel with tar, so that his mother would never know the difference, but all at once a terrible feeling didnt come over him, and something didnt seem to whisperwhisper n.耳语, 私语, 密谈, 谣传, 飒飒的声音 vi.耳语,密谈, 飒飒地响 vt.低声说 to him, “Is it right to disobey my mother? Isnt it sinful to do this? Where do bad little boys go who gobble up their good kind mothers jam? ” And then he didnt kneel down all alone and promise never to be wicked any more, and rise up with a light, happy heart, and go and tell his mother all about it, and beg her forgiveness, and be blessed by her with tears of pride and thankfulness in her eyes. No, that is the way with all other bad boys in the books, but it happened otherwise with this Jim, strangely enough. He ate that jam, and said it was bully, in his sinful, vulgar way, and he put in the tar, and said that was bullybully n.欺凌弱小者 vt.威吓, 威逼 also, and laughed, and observed “that the old cat would get up and snort” when she found it out. And when she did find it out, he denied knowing anything about it, and she whipped him severely, and he did the crying himself. Everything about this boy was curious—everything turned out differently with him from the way it does to the bad Jameses in the books.


Once he climbed up in Farmer Acorns apple tree to steal apples, and the limb didnt break, and he didnt fall and break his arm, and get torn by the farmers great dog, and then languishlanguish vi.憔悴, 凋萎, 衰退, 苦思 on a sickbed for weeks, and repent and become good. Oh, no, he stole as many apples as he wanted and came down all right, and he was all ready for the dog, too, and knocked him endways with a brick when he came to tear him. It was very strange—nothing like it ever happened in those mild little books with marbledmarbled adj.大理石的 用大理石装饰或建造的 backs, and with pictures in them of men with swallowtailed coats and bellcrowned hats, and pantaloons that are short in the legs, and women with the waistswaist n.腰部, 腰, 衣服的上身部分, 背心 of their dresses under their arms, and no hoops on. Nothing like it in any of the Sundayschool books.
