
第2章 The Story of theGood Llttle Boy(2)


And once, when some bad boys pushed a blind man over in the mud, and Jacob ran to help him up and receive his blessing, the blind man did not give him any blessing at all, but whackedwhack vt.重打, 击败 vi.重击 him over the head with his stick and said he would like to catch him shoving him again, and then pretending to help him up. This was not in accordanceaccordance n.一致, 和谐 with any of the books. Jacob looked them all over to see.


One thing that Jacob wanted to do was to find a lame dog that hadnt any place to stay, and was hungry and persecuted, and bring him home and pet him and have that dogs imperishableimperishable adj.不灭的, 不朽的 gratitude. And at last he found one and was happy, and he brought him home and fed him, but when he was going to pet him the dog flew at him and tore all the clothes off him except those that were in front, and made a spectaclespectacle n.观览物, 展览物, 公开展示, 奇观, 景象,光景, (a pair of ~s)眼镜 of him that was astonishingastonishing adj.可惊异的. He examined authorities, but he could not understand the matter. It was of the same breed of dogs that was in the books, but it acted very differently. Whatever this boy did he got into trouble. The very things the boys in the books got rewarded for turned out to be about the most unprofitableunprofitable adj.无利益的, 不赚钱的, 没有用的 things he could invest in.


Once, when he was on his way to Sundayschool, he saw some bad boys starting off pleasuring in a sailboatsailboat n.帆船. He was filled with consternation, because he knew from his reading that boys who went sailing on Sunday invariably got drowned. So he ran out on a raftraft n.筏, 救生艇, 橡皮船, 大量 vi.乘筏 vt.筏运, 制成筏 to warn them, but a log turned with him and slid him into the river. A man got him out pretty soon, and the doctor pumped the water out of him, and gave him a fresh start with his bellows, but he caught cold and lay sick aboud nine weeks. But the most unaccountableunaccountable adj.无法解释的, 无责任的 thing about it was that the bad boys in the boat had a good time all day, and then reached home alive and well in the most surprising manner. Jacob Blivens said there was nothing like these things in the books. He was perfectly dumfoundeddumfound vt.使说不出话来.


When he got well he was a little discouraged, but he resolved to keep on trying anyhow. He knew that so far his experiences wouldnt do to go in a book, but he hadnt yet reached the allotted term of life for good little boys, and he hoped to be able to make a record yet if he could hold on till his time was fully up. If everything else failed he had his dying speech to fall back on.
