
第12章 Tonique Williams·Darling世锦赛女子比赛400米冠军:达琳(2)

“I met him at a track meet in 2000 he used to coach members of the Bahamas team in the 2000 Olympics,” she says of the 1976 Olympic 4 x 100m relay gold medalistmedalist n.设计奖章者, 受领奖章的人. He has helped her to not only to fame but to fortune. A year ago she won 500,000US as a share of the TDK Golden League Jackpotjackpot n.累积赌注, 累积奖金 . Her Helsinki victory is worth 60,000 US alone. But it is not riches that motivate WilliamsDarling.

“My life has changed a little bit (since winning the Olympics) but as far as the competition and training it hasnt changed that much,”she declares. “One thing I have tried to do is train like I have never won anything before. And I think that was achieved because I could have been lackadaisicallackadaisical adj.懒洋洋的 and blown off the season or whatever. I just stayed in there and knew that everybody else was coming after me. That really helped me to stay motivated this season.”



She laughs when asked how she will celebrate this evenings victory. A party in one of Helsinkis famous nightclubs ? Dinner with well wishers? Certainly a late night, right?

“How do I celebrate? For me celebrating is, like, sleeping because I never get to sleep before I race,”she says laughing. “And so I dont know I think I am really going to really relax tonight. Its just me I am kind of boring.”

None of her family is here in HelsinkiHelsinki n.芬兰首都赫尔辛基. They are celebrating for her back home in the Bahamas and from here she will continue on the European circuitcircuit n.电路, 一圈, 周游, 巡回 before heading home for a quick visit with her family. It will be October at the earliest before she sets foot on home soil again.

“Well, you know, track and field is almost like a year round thing so I am always in the states for training during the competition year,” she explains.





“I try to go back and forthback and forth adv.来来往往地, 来回地 as much as possible to visit my family—maybe four or five times a year—but it is always just for four days here, five days there, a holiday, whatever. Hopefully in the future I will get to relax at home a little bit more.”

“Actually my mum comes to all my major competitions but she wasnt able to come to this one. But I spoke to her yesterday and I spoke to everybody in my family and they told me not to come home without the gold. So I think they will be really pleased tonight.”

Indeed, they will be, for she has made the journey to the top and she has stayed there.



