

8.What are the elements of direct government?Sketch their progress in the United States.

9.Trace the history of popular election of Senators.

10.Explain the direct primary.Commission government.The city manager plan.

11.How does modern reform involve government action?On what theory is it justified?

12.Enumerate five lines of recent economic reform.


Women in Public Affairs.-The social legislation enacted in response to the spirit of reform vitally affected women in the home and in industry and was promoted by their organizations.Where they did not lead,they were affiliated with movements for social improvement.No cause escaped their attention;no year passed without widening the range of their interests.They served on com-mittees that inquired into the problems of the day;they appeared before legisla-tive assemblies to advocate remedies for the evils they discovered.By 1912they were a force to be reckoned with in national politics.In nine states complete and equal suffrage had been established,and a widespread campaign for a na-tional suffrage amendment was in full swing.On every hand lay evidences that their sphere had been broadened to include public affairs.This was the culmi-nation of forces that had long been operating.

A New Emphasis in History.-A movement so deeply affecting important interests could not fail to find a place in time in the written record of human progress.History often began as a chronicle of kings and queens,knights and ladies,written partly to amuse and partly to instruct the classes that appeared in its pages.With thegrowth of commerce,parliaments,and in-ternational relations,politics and diplo-macy were added to sdoings.After the rise of democracy,indus-try,and organized la-bor,the transactions of everyday life were deemed worthy of a place in the pages ofhistory.In each case Conference of Men and Women Delegates at a National Convention in 1920history was rewritten and the past rediscovered in the light of the new age.So it will be with the rise and growth of women's political power.The history of their labor,their education,their status in society,their influence on the course of events will be explored and given its place in the general record.

It will be a history of change.The superior position which women enjoy in America to-day is the result of a slow evolution from an almost rightless condition in colonial times.The founders of America brought with them the English common law.Under that law,a married woman's personal property-jewels,money,furniture,and the like-became her husband's property;the management of her lands passed into his control.Even the wages she earned,if she worked for some one else,belonged to him.Custom,if not law,prescribed that women should not take part in town meetings or enter into public discussions of religious questions.Indeed it is a far cry from the banishment of Anne Hutchinson from Massachusetts in 1637,for daring to dispute with the church fathers,to the political conventions of 1920in which women sat as delegates,made nominating speeches,and served on committees.In the contrast between these two scenes may be measured the change in the privileges of women since the landing of the Pilgrims.The account of this progress is a narrative of individual effort on the part of women,of organizations among them,of generous aid from sympathetic men in the long agitation for the removal of civil and political disabilities.It is in part also a narrative of irresistible economic change which drew women into industry,created a leisure class,gave women wages and incomes,and therewith economic independence.

The Rise of the Woman Movement

Protests of Colonial Women.-The republican spirit which produced American independence was of slow and steady growth.It did not spring up full-armed in a single night.It was,on the contrary,nourished during a long period of time by fireside discussions as well as by debates in the public forum.Women shared that fireside sifting of political principles and passed on the findings of that scrutiny in letters to their friends,newspaper articles,and every form of written word.How widespread was this potent,though not spectacular force,is revealed in the collections of women's letters,articles,songs,dramas,and satirical "skits"on English rule that have come down to us.In this search into the reasons of government,some women began to take thought about laws that excluded them from the ballot.Two women at least left their protests on record.Abigail,the ingenious and witty wife of John Adams,wrote to her hus-band,in March,1776,that women objected "to all arbitrary power whether of state or males"and demanded political privileges in the new order then beingcreated.Hannah Lee Corbin,the sister of "Lighthorse"Harry Lee,protested to her brother against the taxation of women without representation.

The Stir among European Women.-Ferment in America,in the case of women as of men,was quickened by events in Europe.In 1792,Mary Woll-stonecraft published in England the Vindication of the Rights of Women-a book that was destined to serve the cause of liberty among women as the writ-ings of Locke and Paine had served that of men.The specific grievances which stirred English women were men's invasion of women's industries,such as spinning and weaving;the denial of equal educational opportunities;and politi-cal disabilities.In France also the great Revolution raised questionings about the status of women.The rights of "citizenesses"as well as the rights of "citizens"were examined by the boldest thinkers.This in turn reacted upon women in the United States.