书城公版Jack and Jill

第66章 May Baskets(4)

"Oh,do noi frown Upon this crown Of green pinks and blue geranium But think of me When this you see,And put it on your cranium.""O Molly,you will never hear the last of that if Grif gets it,"said Jill,as the applause subsided,for the boys pronounced it "tip-top.""Don't care,he gets the worst of it anyway,for there is a pin in that rose,and if he goes to smell the mayflowers underneath he will find a thorn to pay for the tack he put in my rubber boot.I know he will play me some joke to-night,and I mean to be first if I can,"answered Molly,settling the artificial wreath round the orange-colored canoe which held her effusion.

"Now,Merry,read yours:you always have sweet poems";and Jill folded her hands to listen with pleasure to something sentimental.

"I can't read the poems in some of mine,because they are for you;but this little verse you can hear,if you like:I'm going to give that basket to Ralph.He said he should hang one for his grandmother,and I thought that was so nice of him,I'd love to surprise him with one all to himself.He's always so good to us";and Merry looked so innocently earnest that no one smiled at her kind thought or the unconscious paraphrase she had made of a famous stanza in her own "little verse.""To one who teaches me The sweetness and the beauty Of doing faithfully And cheerfully my duty.""He will like that,and know who sent it,for none of us have pretty pink paper but you,or write such an elegant hand,"said Molly,admiring the delicate white basket shaped like a lily,with the flowers inside and the note hidden among them,all daintily tied up with the palest blush-colored ribbon.

"Well,that's no harm.He likes pretty things as much as I'd o,and I made my basket like a flower because I gave him one of my callas,he admired the shape so much";and Merry smiled as she remembered how pleased Ralph looked as he went away carrying the lovely thing.

"I think it would be a good plan to hang some baskets on the doors of other people who don't expect or often have any.I'll do it if you can spare some of these,we have so many.Give me only one,and let the others go to old Mrs.Tucker,and the little Irish girl who has been sick so long,and lame Neddy,and Daddy Munson.It would please and surprise them so.Will we?"asked Ed,in that persuasive voice of his.

All agreed at once,and several people were made very happy by a bit of spring left at their doors by the May elves who haunted the town that night playing all sorts of pranks.Such a twanging of bells and rapping of knockers;such a scampering of feet in the dark;such droll collisions as boys came racing round corners,or girls ran into one another's arms as they crept up and down steps on the sly;such laughing,whistling,flying about of flowers and friendly feeling--it was almost a pity that May-day did not come oftener.

Molly got home late,and found that Grif had been before her,after all;for she stumbled over a market-basket at her door,and on taking it in found a mammoth nosegay of purple and white cabbages,her favorite vegetable.Even Miss Bat laughed at the funny sight,and Molly resolved to get Ralph to carve her a bouquet out of carrots,beets,and turnips for next time,as Grif would never think of that.

Merry ran up the garden-walk alone,for Frank left her at the gate,and was fumbling for the latch when she felt something hanging there.Opening the door carefully,she found it gay with offerings from her mates;and among them was one long quiver-shaped basket of birch bark,with something heavy under the green leaves that lay at the top.Lifting these,a slender has-relief of a calla lily in plaster appeared,with this couplet slipped into the blue cord by which it was to hang:

"That mercy you to others show That Mercy Grant to me.""How lovely!and this one will never fade,but always be a pleasure hanging there.Now,I really have something beautiful all my own,"said Merry to herself as she ran up to hang the pretty thing on the dark wainscot of her room,where the graceful curve of its pointed leaves and the depth of its white cup would be a joy to her eyes as long as they lasted.

"I wonder what that means,"and Merry read over the lines again,while a soft color came into her cheeks and a little smile of girlish pleasure began to dimple round her lips;for she was so romantic,this touch of sentiment showed her that her friendship was more valued than she dreamed.But she only said,"How glad I am I remembered him,and how surprised he will be to see mayflowers in return for the lily."He was,and worked away more happily and bravely for the thought of the little friend whose eyes would daily fall on the white flower which always reminded him of her.