书城公版Jack and Jill

第59章 Down at Molly's(1)

"Now,my dears,I've something very curious to tell you,so listen quietly and then I'll give you your dinners,"said Molly,addressing the nine cats who came trooping after her as she went into the shed-chamber with a bowl of milk and a plate of scraps in her hands.She had taught them to behave well at meals,so,though their eyes glared and their tails quivered with impatience,they obeyed;and when she put the food on a high shelf and retired to the big basket,the four old cats sat demurely down before her,while the five kits scrambled after her and tumbled into her lap,as if hoping to hasten the desired feast by their innocent gambols.

Granny,Tobias,Mortification,and Molasses were the elders.

Granny,a gray old puss,was the mother and grandmother of all the rest.Tobias was her eldest son,and Mortification his brother,so named because he had lost his tail,which affliction depressed his spirits and cast a blight over his young life.Molasses was a yellow cat,the mamma of four of the kits,the fifth being Granny's latest darling.Toddlekins,the little aunt,was the image of her mother,and very sedate even at that early age;Miss Muffet,so called from her dread of spiders,was a timid black and white kit;Beauty,a pretty Maltese,with a serene little face and pink nose;Ragbag,a funny thing,every color that a cat could be;and Scamp,who well deserved his name,for he was the plague of Miss Bat's life,and Molly's especial pet.

He was now perched on her shoulder,and,as she talked,kept peeping into her face or biting her ear in the most impertinent way,while the others sprawled in her lap or promenaded round the basket rim.

"My friends,something very remarkable has happened:Miss Bat is cleaning house!"and,having made this announcement,Molly leaned back to see how the cats received it,for she insisted that they understood all she said to them.

Tobias stared,Mortification lay down as if it was too much for him,Molasses beat her tail on the floor as if whipping a dusty carpet,and Granny began to purr approvingly.The giddy kits paid no attention,as they did not know what house-cleaning meant,happy little dears!

"I thought you'd like it,Granny,for you are a decent cat,and know what is proper,"continued Molly,leaning down to stroke the old puss,who blinked affectionately at her."I can't imagine what put it into Miss Bat's head.I never said a word,and gave up groaning over the clutter,as I couldn't mend it.I just took care of Boo and myself,and left her to be as untidy as she pleased,and she is a regular old--"Here Scamp put his paw on her lips because he saw them moving,but it seemed as if it was to check the disrespectful word just coming out.

"Well,I won't call names;but what shall I do when I see everything in confusion,and she won't let me clear up?"asked Molly,looking round at Scamp,who promptly put the little paw on her eyelid,as if the roll of the blue ball underneath amused him.

"Shut my eyes to it,you mean?I do all I can,but it is hard,when Iwish to be nice,and do try;don't I?"asked Molly.But Scamp was ready for her,and began to comb her hair with both paws as he stood on his hind legs to work so busily that Molly laughed and pulled him down,saying,as she cuddled the sly kit.

"You sharp little thing!I know my hair is not neat now,for I've been chasing Boo round the garden to wash him for school.Then Miss Bat threw the parlor carpet out of the window,and I was so surprised I had to run and tell you.Now,what had we better do about it?"The cats all winked at her,but no one had any advice to offer,except Tobias,who walked to the shelf,and,looking up,uttered a deep,suggestive yowl,which said as plainly as words,"Dinner first and discussion afterward.""Very well,don't scramble,"said Molly,getting up to feed her pets.First the kits,who rushed at the bowl and thrust their heads in,lapping as if for a wager;then the cats,who each went to one of the four piles of scraps laid round at intervals and placidly ate their meat;while Molly retired to the basket,to ponder over the phenomena taking place in the house.

She could not imagine what had started the old lady.It was not the example of her neighbors,who had beaten carpets and scrubbed paint every spring for years without exciting her to any greater exertion than cleaning a few windows and having a man to clear away the rubbish displayed when the snow melted.Molly never guessed that her own efforts were at the bottom of the change,or knew that a few words not meant for her ear had shamed Miss Bat into action.Coming home from prayer-meeting one dark night,she trotted along behind two old ladies who were gossiping in loud voices,as one was rather deaf,and Miss Bat was both pleased and troubled to hear herself unduly praised.

"I always said Sister Dawes meant well;but she's getting into years,and the care of two children is a good deal for her,with her cooking and her rheumatiz.I don't deny she did neglect 'em for a spell,but she does well by 'em now,and I wouldn't wish to see better-appearing children.""You've no idee how improved Molly is.She came in to see my girls,and brought her sewing-work,shirts for the boy,and done it as neat and capable as you'd wish to see.She always was a smart child,but dreadful careless,"said the other old lady,evidently much impressed by the change in harum-scarum Molly Loo.

"Being over to Mis Minot's so much has been good for her,and up to Mis Grant's.Girls catch neat ways as quick as they'd o untidy ones,and them wild little tykes often turn out smart women.""Sister Dawes has done well by them children,and I hope Mr.