书城公版Poems of Cheer


I do not undertake to say That literal answers come from Heaven, But I know this--that when I pray A comfort, a support is given That helps me rise o'er earthly things As larks soar up on airy wings.

In vain the wise philosopher Points out to me my fabric's flaws, In vain the scientists aver That "all things are controlled by laws."My life has taught me day by day That it availeth much to pray.

I do not stop to reason out The why and how. I do not care, Since I know this, that when I doubt, Life seems a blackness of despair, The world a tomb; and when I trust, Sweet blossoms spring up in the dust.

Since I know in the darkest hour, If I lift up my soul in prayer, Some sympathetic, loving Power Sends hope and comfort to me there.

Since balm is sent to ease my pain, What need to argue or explain?

Prayer has a sweet, refining grace, It educates the soul and heart.

It lends a lustre to the face, And by its elevating art It gives the mind an inner sight That brings it near the Infinite.

From our gross selves it helps us rise To something which we yet may be.

And so I ask not to be wise, If thus my faith is lost to me.

Faith, that with angel's voice and touch Says, "Pray, for prayer availeth much."