

Thereafter Gold Harald had a conference with Earl Hakon; and the earl told him he had now advanced his business so far, that there was hope a kingdom might stand open for him in Norway."We can then continue," said he, "our ancient friendship, and I can be of the greatest use to you in Norway.Take first that kingdom.

King Harald is now very old, and has but one son, and cares but little about him, as he is but the son of a concubine."The Earl talked so long to Gold Harald that the project pleased him well; and the king, the earl, and Gold Harald often talked over the business together.The Danish king then sent messengers north to Norway to Harald Grafeld, and fitted them out magnificently for their journey.They were well received by Harald.The messengers told him that Earl Hakon was in Denmark, but was lying dangerously sick, and almost out of his senses.

They then delivered from Harald, the Danish king, the invitation to Harald Grafeld, his foster-son, to come to him and receive investiture of the fiefs he and his brothers before him had formerly held in Denmark; and appointing a meeting in Jutland.

Harald Grafeld laid the matter before his mother and other friends.Their opinions were divided.Some thought that the expedition was not without its danger, on account of the men with whom they had to deal; but the most were in haste to begin the journey, for at that time there was such a famine in Norway that the kings could scarcely feed their men-at-arms; and on this account the Fjord, on which the kings resided, usually got the name of Hardanger (Hardacre).In Denmark, on the other hand, there had been tolerably good crops; so that people thought that if King Harald got fiefs, and something to rule over there they would get some assistance.It was therefore concluded, before the messengers returned, that Harald should travel to Denmark to the Danish king in summer, and accept the conditions King Harald offered.


Harald Grafeld went to Denmark in the summer (A.D.969) with three long-ships; and Herse Arinbjorn, from the Fjord district, commanded one of them.King Harald sailed from Viken over to Limfjord in Jutland, and landed at the narrow neck of land where the Danish king was expected.Now when Gold Harald heard of this, he sailed there with nine ships which he had fitted out before for a viking cruise.Earl Hakon had also his war force on foot; namely, twelve large ships, all ready, with which he proposed to make an expedition.When Gold Harald had departed Earl Hakon says to the king, "Now I don't know if we are not sailing on an expedition, and yet are to pay the penalty of not having joined it.Gold Harald may kill Harald Grafeld, and get the kingdom of Norway; but you must not think he will be true to you, although you do help him to so much power, for he told me in winter that he would take your life if he could find opportunity to do so.Now I will win Norway for you, and kill Gold Harald, if you will promise me a good condition under you.I will be your earl; swear an oath of fidelity to you, and, with your help, conquer all Norway for you; hold the country under your rule; pay you the scat and taxes; and you will be a greater king than your father, as you will have two kingdoms under you." The king and the earl agreed upon this, and Hakon set off to seek Gold Harald.


Gold Harald came to the neck of land at Limfjord, and immediately challenged Harald Grafeld to battle; and although Harald had fewer men, he went immediately on the land, prepared for battle, and drew up his troops.Before the lines came together Harald Grafeld urged on his men, and told them to draw their swords.He himself advanced the foremost of the troop, hewing down on each side.So says Glum Geirason, in Grafeld's lay: --"Brave were thy words in battlefield, Thou stainer of the snow-white shield! --Thou gallant war-god! With thy voice Thou couldst the dying man rejoice:

The cheer of Harald could impart Courage and life to every heart.

While swinging high the blood-smeared sword, By arm and voice we knew our lord."There fell Harald Grafeld.So says Glum Geirason: --"On Limfjord's strand, by the tide's flow, Stern Fate has laid King Harald low;The gallant viking-cruiser -- he Who loved the isle-encircling sea.

The generous ruler of the land Fell at the narrow Limfjord strand.

Enticed by Hakon's cunning speech To his death-bed on Limfjord's beach."The most of King Harald's men fell with him.There also fell Herse Arinbjorn.

This happened fifteen years after the death of Hakon, Athelstan's foster-son, and thirteen years after that of Sigurd earl of Hlader.The priest Are Frode says that Earl Hakon was thirteen years earl over his father's dominions in Throndhjem district before the fall of Harald Grafeld; but, for the last six years of Harald Grafeld's life, Are Frode says the Earl Hakon and Gunhild's sons fought against each other, and drove each other out of the land by turns.


Soon after Harald Grafeld's fall, Earl Hakon came up to Gold Harald, and the earl immediately gave battle to Harald.Hakon gained the victory, and Harald was made prisoner; but Hakon had him immediately hanged on a gallows.Hakon then went to the Danish king, and no doubt easily settled with him for the killing his relative Gold Harald.