Two Sicilies, the kingdoms of Sicily and NaplesTyers, Tom, author of a Biographical Sketch of Doctor Johnson.It was a remark of Johnson's that Tyers described him the bestVAUCLUSE, a village in S.E.France, twenty miles from Avignon where Petrarch lived for sixteen yearsVerres, the Roman governor of Sicily (73-71 B.C.), for plundering which island he was brought to trial and prosecuted by CiceroVico, John Baptist, Professor of Rhetoric at Naples and author of Principles of a New Science, a work on the philosophy of history (d.1744)Victor Amadeus of Savoy, soldier and statesman (1655-1732) His sons-in-law were Philip V.and the Duke of BurgundyVida, an Italian Latin poet (c.1480-1566)Vida et Sannazar, eminent modern Latin poets of the early sixteenth centuryVillars, Louis, Duc de, French marshal, defeated at Ramillies and Malplaquet (d.1734),Vinegar Bible, published at Oxford in; 1717; in it the headline of Luke xx.reads "vinegar," an error for "vineyard,"Vision of Theodore, set Johnson's Miscellaneous Works (for the "Genealogy of Wit," see Special", NO.35; for the "Contest between Rest and Labour," Rambler, No.33)Vitruvius, contemporary with Julius Caesar and author of a famous work on ArchitectureVossius, Gerard, Dutch philologist and friend of Grotius; the historian of Pelagianism (1577-1649)WARBURTON, William, Bishop of Gloucester, friend of Pope, and author of the Divine Legation of Moses and other theological andlegal works (1698-1779)Wild, Jonathan, a detective who turned villain and was executed for burglary in 1725; the hero of one of Fielding's storiesWilliams, Archbishop of York (and opponent of Laud) in the time of Charles I.; Vernon, Archbishop of York, 1807.The tenure of the See of York seems to be the only parallelWilliams, Sir Charles Hanbury, Ambassador to Berlin (1746-49).
His satires against Walpole's opponents are easy and humorous (d.
Will's.See Button'sWindham, Rt.Hon.William, Secretary of War under Pitt and again in 1806.In his Diary is an account of Johnson's last days (1750-1810)
Windsor, poor Knights of, a body of military pensioners who reside within the precincts of Windsor CastleWitwould, Sir Wilful.Set Congreve's The Way of the WorldWronghead, Sir Francis, Vanbrugh and Cibber's The Provoked Husband XIMENES, Cardinal, statesman, and regent (1436-1517)ZADIG, the title-character of a novel by Voltaire, dealing with the fatalistic aspect of human lifeZephon, the cherub sent with Ithuriel by Gabriel to find out the whereabouts of Satan after his flight from hellZimri in Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel stands for the second Duke of Buckingham (for the original see 3 Kings xvi.9)End of Volume II
The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches-Volume IIIby Lord Macaulay