书城公版The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches


Miss Aikin has discovered a letter, from which it appears that, while Addison resided at Oxford, he was one of several writers whom the booksellers engaged to make an English version of Herodotus; and she infers that he must have been a good Greek scholar.We can allow very little weight to this argument, when we consider that his fellow-labourers were to have been Boyle and Blackmore.Boyle is remembered chiefly as the nominal author of the worst book on Greek history and philology that ever was printed; and this book, bad as it is, Boyle was unable to produce without help.Of Blackmore's attainments in the ancient tongues, it may be sufficient to say that, in his prose, he has confounded an aphorism with an apophthegm, and that when, in his verse, he treats of classical subjects, his habit is to regale his readers with four false quantities to a page.

It is probable that the classical acquirements of Addison were of as much service to him as if they had been more extensive.The world generally gives its admiration, not to the man who does what nobody else even attempts to do, but to the man who does best what multitudes do well.Bentley was so immeasurably superior to all the other scholars of his time that few among them could discover his superiority.But the accomplishment in which Addison excelled his contemporaries was then, as it is now, highly valued and assiduously cultivated at all English seats of learning.Everybody who had been at a public school had written Latin verses; many had written such verses with tolerable success, and were quite able to appreciate, though by no means able to rival, the skill with which Addison imitated Virgil.His lines on the Barometer and the Bowling Green were applauded by hundreds, to whom the Dissertation on the Epistles of Phalaris was as unintelligible as the hieroglyphics on an obelisk.

Purity of style, and an easy flow of numbers, are common to all Addison's Latin poems.Our favourite piece is the Battle of the Cranes and Pigmies; for in that piece we discern a gleam of the fancy and humour which many years later enlivened thousands of breakfast tables.Swift boasted that he was never known to steal a hint; and he certainly owed as little to his predecessors as any modern writer.Yet we cannot help suspecting that he borrowed, perhaps unconsciously, one of the happiest touches in his "Voyage to Lilliput" from Addison's verses.Let our readers judge.

"The Emperor," says Gulliver, "is Tatler by about the breadth of my nail than any of his court, which alone is enough to strike an awe into the beholders."About thirty years before Gulliver's Travels appeared, Addison wrote these lines:

"Jamque acies inter medias sese arduus infert Pygmeadum ductor, qui, majestate verendus, Incessuque gravis, reliquos supereminet omnes Mole gigantea, mediamque exsurgit in ulnam."The Latin poems of Addison were greatly and justly admired both at Oxford and Cambridge, before his name had ever been heard by the wits who thronged the coffee-houses round Drury Lane Theatre.

In his twenty-second year, he ventured to appear before the public as a writer of English verse.He addressed some complimentary lines to Dryden, who, after many triumphs and many reverses, had at length reached a secure and lonely eminence among the literary men of that age.Dryden appears to have been much gratified by the young scholar's praise; and an interchange of civilities and good offices followed.Addison was probably introduced by Dryden to Congreve, and was certainly presented by Congreve to Charles Montague, who was then Chancellor of the Exchequer, and leader of the Whig party in the House of Commons.

At this time Addison seemed inclined to devote himself to poetry.

He published a translation of part of the fourth Georgic, Lines on King William, and other performances of equal value, that is to say, of no value at all.But in those days, the public was in the habit of receiving with applause pieces which would now have little chance of obtaining the Newdigate prize or the Seatonian prize.And the reason is obvious.The heroic couplet was then the favourite measure.The art of arranging words in that measure, so that the lines may flow smoothly, that the accents may fall correctly, that the rhymes may strike the ear strongly, and that there may be a pause at the end of every distich, is an art as mechanical as that of mending a kettle or shoeing a horse, and may be learned by any human being who has sense enough to learn anything.But, like other mechanical arts, it was gradually improved by means of many experiments and many failures.It was reserved for Pope to discover the trick, to make himself complete master of it, and to teach it to everybody else.From the time when his Pastorals appeared, heroic versification became matter of rule and compass; and, before long, all artists were on a level.Hundreds of dunces who never blundered on one happy thought or expression were able to write reams of couplets which, as far as euphony was concerned, could not be distinguished from those of Pope himself, and which very clever writers of the reign of Charles the Second, Rochester, for example, or Marvel, or Oldham, would have contemplated with admiring despair.

Ben Jonson was a great man, Hoole a very small man.But Hoole coming after Pope, had learned how to manufacture decasyllable verses, and poured them forth by thousands and tens of thousands, all as well turned, as smooth, and as like each other as the blocks which have passed through Mr.Brunel's mill in the dockyard at Portsmouth.Ben's heroic couplets resemble blocks rudely hewn out by an unpractised hand, with a blunt hatchet.

Take as a specimen his translation Of a celebrated passage in the Aeneid: