书城公版The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches


This was the way in which, when the favourite pressed for patents, lucrative to his relations and to his creatures, ruinous and vexatious to the body of the people, the chief guardian of the laws interposed.Having assisted the patentees to obtain this monopoly, Bacon assisted them also in the steps which they took for the purpose of guarding it.He committed several people to close confinement for disobeying his tyrannical edict.It is needless to say more.Our readers are now able to judge whether, in the matter of patents, Bacon acted conformably to his professions, or deserved the praise which his biographer has bestowed on him.

In his judicial capacity his conduct was not less reprehensible.

He suffered Buckingham to dictate many of his decisions.Bacon knew as well as any man that a judge who listens to private solicitations is a disgrace to his post.He himself, before he was raised to the woolsack, represented this strongly to Villiers, then just entering on his career."By no means," said Sir Francis, in a letter of advice addressed to the young courtier, "by no means be you persuaded to interpose yourself, either by word or letter, in any cause depending in any court of justice, nor suffer any great man to do it where you can hinder it.If it should prevail, it perverts justice; but if the judge be so just, and of such courage as he ought to be, as not to be inclined thereby, yet it always leaves a taint of suspicion behind it." Yet he had not been Lord Keeper a month when Buckingham began to interfere in Chancery suits; and Buckingham's interference was, as might have been expected, successful.

Mr.Montagu's reflections on the excellent passage which we have quoted above are exceedingly amusing."No man," says he, "more deeply felt the evils which then existed of the interference of the Crown and of statesmen to influence judges.How beautifully did he admonish Buckingham, regardless as he proved of all admonition!" We should be glad to know how it can be expected that admonition will be regarded by him who receives it, when it is altogether neglected by him who gives it.We do not defend Buckingham; but what was his guilt to Bacon's? Buckingham was young, ignorant, thoughtless, dizzy with the rapidity of his ascent and the height of his position.That he should be eager to serve his relations, his flatterers, his mistresses, that he should not fully apprehend the immense importance of a pure administration of justice, that he should think more about those who were bound to him by private ties than about the public interest, all this was perfectly natural, and not altogether unpardonable.Those who intrust a petulant, hot-blooded, ill-informed lad with power, are more to blame than he for the mischief which he may do with it.How could it be expected of a lively page, raised by a wild freak of fortune to the first influence in the empire, that he should have bestowed any serious thought on the principles which ought to guide judicial decisions? Bacon was the ablest public man then living in Europe.He was near sixty years old.He had thought much, and to good purpose, on the general principles of law.He had for many years borne a part daily in the administration of justice.It was impossible that a man with a tithe of his sagacity and experience should not have known that a judge who suffers friends or patrons to dictate his decrees violates the plainest rules of duty.In fact, as we have seen, he knew this well: he expressed it admirably.Neither on this occasion nor on any other could his bad actions be attributed to any defect of the head.They sprang from quite a different cause.

A man who stooped to render such services to others was not likely to be scrupulous as to the means by which he enriched himself.He and his dependants accepted large presents from persons who were engaged in Chancery suits.The amount of the plunder which he collected in this way it is impossible to estimate.There can be no doubt that he received very much more than was proved on his trial, though, it may be, less than was suspected by the public.His enemies stated his illicit gains at a hundred thousand pounds.But this was probably an exaggeration.

It was long before the day of reckoning arrived.During the interval between the second and third Parliaments of James, the nation was absolutely governed by the Crown.The prospects of the Lord Keeper were bright and serene.His great place rendered the splendour of his talents even more conspicuous, and gave an additional charm to the serenity of his temper, the courtesy of his manners, and the eloquence of his conversation.The pillaged suitor might mutter.The austere Puritan patriot might, in his retreat, grieve that one on whom God had bestowed without measure all the abilities which qualify men to take the lead in great reforms should be found among the adherents of the worst abuses.

But the murmurs of the suitor and the lamentations of the patriot had scarcely any avenue to the ears of the powerful.The King, and the Minister who was the King's master, smiled on their illustrious flatterer.The whole crowd of courtiers and nobles sought his favour with emulous eagerness.Men of wit and learning hailed with delight the elevation of one who had so signally shown that a man of profound learning and of brilliant wit might understand, far better than any plodding dunce, the art of thriving in the world.

Once, and but once, this course of prosperity was for a moment interrupted.It would seem that even Bacon's brain was not strong enough to bear without some discomposure the inebriating effect of so much good fortune.For some time after his elevation, he showed himself a little wanting in that wariness and self-command to which, more than even to his transcendent talents, his elevation was to be ascribed.He was by no means a good hater.