From Mark Twain's home letters we get several important side-lights on this first famous book.We learn, for in stance, that it was he who drafted the ship address to the Emperor--the opening lines of which became so wearisome when repeated by the sailors.
Furthermore, we learn something of the scope and extent of his newspaper correspondence, which must have kept him furiously busy, done as it was in the midst of super-heated and continuous sight-seeing.He wrote fifty three letters to the Alta-California, six to the New York Tribune, and at least two to the New York Herald more than sixty, all told, of an average, length of three to four thousand words each.Mark Twain always claimed to be a lazy man, and certainly he was likely to avoid an undertaking not suited to his gifts, but he had energy in abundance for work in his chosen field.
To have piled up a correspondence of that size in the time, and under the circumstances already noted, quality considered, may be counted a record in the history of travel letters.
They made him famous.Arriving in New York, November 19, 1867, Mark Twain found himself no longer unknown to the metropolis, or to any portion of America.Papers East and West had copied his Alta and Tribune letters and carried his name into every corner of the States and Territories.He had preached a new gospel in travel literature, the gospel of frankness and sincerity that Americans could understand.Also his literary powers had awakened at last.His work was no longer trivial, crude, and showy; it was full of dignity, beauty, and power; his humor was finer, worthier.The difference in quality between the Quaker City letters and those written from the Sandwich Islands only a year before can scarcely be measured.
He did not remain in New York, but went down to Washington, where he had arranged for a private secretaryship with Senator William M.
Stewart, --[The "Bill" Stewart mentioned in the preceding chapter.]
whom he had known in Nevada.Such a position he believed would make but little demand upon his time, and would afford him an insight into Washington life, which he could make valuable in the shape of newspaper correspondence.
But fate had other plans for him.He presently received the following letter:
HARTFORD, CONN, Nov 21, 1867.
Tribune Office, New York.
DR.SIR,--We take the liberty to address you this, in place of a letter which we had recently written and was about to forward to you, not knowing your arrival home was expected so soon.We are desirous of obtaining from you a work of some kind, perhaps compiled from your letters from the East, &c., with such interesting additions as may be proper.We are the publishers of A.D.Richardson's works, and flatter ourselves that we can give an author as favorable terms and do as full justice to his productions as any other house in the country.We are perhaps the oldest subscription house in the country, and have never failed to give a book an immense circulation.We sold about 100,000copies of Richardson's F.D.& E.(Field, Dungeon and Escape) and are now printing 41,000, of "Beyond the Mississippi," and large orders ahead.
If you have any thought of writing a book, or could be induced to do so, we should be pleased to see you; and will do so.Will you do us the favor to reply at once, at your earliest convenience.
Very truly, &c., E.BLISS, Jr.
Clemens had already the idea of a book in mind and.welcomed this proposition.
To Elisha Bliss, Jr., in Hartford:
WASHINGTON, Dec.2, 1867.
E.BLISS, Jr.Esq.
Sec'y American Publishing Co.--
DEAR SIR,--I only received your favor of Nov.21st last night, at the rooms of the Tribune Bureau here.It was forwarded from the Tribune office, New York, where it had lain eight or ten days.This will be a sufficient apology for the seeming discourtesy of my silence.
I wrote fifty-two (three) letters for the San Francisco "Alta California"during the Quaker City excursion, about half of which number have been printed, thus far.The "Alta" has few exchanges in the East, and Isuppose scarcely any of these letters have been copied on this side of the Rocky Mountains.I could weed them of their chief faults of construction and inelegancies of expression and make a volume that would be more acceptable in many respects than any I could now write.When those letters were written my impressions were fresh, but now they have lost that freshness; they were warm then--they are cold, now.I could strike out certain letters, and write new ones wherewith to supply their places.If you think such a book would suit your purpose, please drop me a line, specifying the size and general style of the volume; when the matter ought to be ready; whether it should have pictures in it or not;and particularly what your terms with me would be, and what amount of money I might possibly make out of it.The latter clause has a degree of importance for me which is almost beyond my own comprehension.But you understand that, of course.
I have other propositions for a book, but have doubted the propriety of interfering with good newspaper engagements, except my way as an author could be demonstrated to be plain before me.But I know Richardson, and learned from him some months ago, something of an idea of the subscription plan of publishing.If that is your plan invariably, it looks safe.
I am on the N.Y.Tribune staff here as an "occasional,", among other things, and a note from you addressed to Very truly &c.
SAM L.CLEMENS, New York Tribune Bureau, Washington, will find me, without fail.
The exchange of these two letters marked the beginning of one of the most notable publishing connections in American literary history.