Webb finally declared he would publish the book himself, and Clemens, after a few weeks of New York, joined his mother and family in St.Louis and gave himself up to a considerable period of visiting, lecturing meantime in both Hannibal and Keokuk.
Fate had great matters in preparation for him.The Quaker City Mediterranean excursion, the first great ocean picnic, was announced that spring, and Mark Twain realized that it offered a possible opportunity for him to see something of the world.He wrote at once to the proprietors of the Alta-California and proposed that they send him as their correspondent.To his delight his proposition was accepted, the Alta agreeing to the twelve hundred dollars passage money, and twenty dollars each for letters.
The Quaker City was not to sail until the 8th of June, but the Alta wished some preliminary letters from New York.Furthermore, Webb had the Frog book in press, and would issue it May 1st.Clemens, therefore, returned to New York in April, and now once more being urged by the Californians to lecture, he did not refuse.Frank Fuller, formerly Governor of Utah, took the matter in hand and engaged Cooper Union for the venture.He timed it for May 6th, which would be a few days after the appearance of Webb's book.
Clemens was even more frightened at the prospect of this lecture than he had been in San Francisco, and with more reason, for in New York his friends were not many, and competition for public favor was very great.There are two letters written May 1st, one to his people, and one to Bret Harte, in San Francisco; that give us the situation.
End Letters Vol.2
by Mark Twain VOLUME II.
To Bret Harte, in San Francisco:
DEAR BRET,--I take my pen in hand to inform you that I am well and hope these few lines will find you enjoying the same God's blessing.
The book is out, and is handsome.It is full of damnable errors of grammar and deadly inconsistencies of spelling in the Frog sketch because I was away and did not read the proofs; but be a friend and say nothing about these things.When my hurry is over, I will send you an autograph copy to pisen the children with.
I am to lecture in Cooper Institute next Monday night.Pray for me.
We sail for the Holy Land June 8.Try to write me (to this hotel,) and it will be forwarded to Paris, where we remain 10 or 15 days.
Regards and best wishes to Mrs.Bret and the family.
Truly Yr Friend MARK.
To Mrs.Jane Clemens and family, in St.Louis:
DEAR FOLKS,--Don't expect me to write for a while.My hands are full of business on account of my lecture for the 6th inst., and everything looks shady, at least, if not dark.I have got a good agent--but now after we have hired Cooper Institute and gone to an expense in one way or another of $500, it comes out that I have got to play against Speaker Colfax at Irving Hall, Ristori, and also the double troupe of Japanese jugglers, the latter opening at the great Academy of Music--and with all this against me I have taken the largest house in New York and cannot back water.Let her slide! If nobody else cares I don't.
I'll send the book soon.I am awfully hurried now, but not worried.
The Cooper Union lecture proved a failure, and a success.When it became evident to Fuller that the venture was not going to pay, he sent out a flood of complimentaries to the school-teachers of New York City and the surrounding districts.No one seems to have declined them.Clemens lectured to a jammed house and acquired much reputation.Lecture proposals came from several directions, but he could not accept them now.
He wrote home that he was eighteen Alta letters behind and had refused everything.Thos.Nast, the cartoonist, then in his first fame, propped a joint tour, Clemens to lecture while he, Nast, would illustrate with "lightning" sketches; but even this could not be considered now.In a little while he would sail, and the days were overfull.A letter written a week before he sailed is full of the hurry and strain of these last days.
To Mrs.Jane Clemens and family, in St.Louis:
DEAR FOLKS,--I know I ought to write oftener (just got your last,) and more fully, but I cannot overcome my repugnance to telling what I am doing or what I expect to do or propose to do.Then, what have I left to write about? Manifestly nothing.
It isn't any use for me to talk about the voyage, because I can have no faith in that voyage till the ship is under way.How do I know she will ever sail? My passage is paid, and if the ship sails, I sail in her--but I make no calculations, have bought no cigars, no sea-going clothing --have made no preparation whatever--shall not pack my trunk till the morning we sail.Yet my hands are full of what I am going to do the day before we sail--and what isn't done that day will go undone.
All I do know or feel, is, that I am wild with impatience to move--move --move! Half a dozen times I have wished I had sailed long ago in some ship that wasn't going to keep me chained here to chafe for lagging ages while she got ready to go.Curse the endless delays! They always kill me--they make me neglect every duty and then I have a conscience that tears me like a wild beast.I wish I never had to stop anywhere a month.