To-morrow (Tuesday) I will add a P.S.if I've any to add; but, whether or no, I must mail this to morrow, for the mail steamer goes next day.
5.30 p.m.Great Scott, this is Tuesday! I must rush this letter into the mail instantly.
Tell that sassy Ben I've got her welcome letter, and I'll write her as soon as I get a daylight chance.I've most time at night, but I'd druther write daytimes.
The Reid and Simmons mentioned in the foregoing were Robert Reid and Edward Simmons, distinguished painter--the latter a brilliant, fluent, and industrious talker.The title; "Fire-escape Simmons,"which Clemens gives him, originated when Oliver Herford, whose quaint wit has so long delighted New-Yorkers, one day pinned up by the back door of the Players the notice: "Exit in case of Simmons."Gwen, a popular novel of that day, was written by Blanche Willis Howard.
"Jamie" Dodge, in the next letter, was the son of Mrs.Mary Mapes Dodge, editor of St.Nicholas.
To Clara Clemens, in Paris:
Dear Benny--I was intending to answer your letter to-day, but I am away down town, and will simply whirl together a sentence or two for good-fellowship.I have bought photographs of Coquelin and Jane Hading and will ask them to sign them.I shall meet Coquelin tomorrow night, and if Hading is not present I will send her picture to her by somebody.
I am to breakfast with Madame Nordica in a few days, and meantime I hope to get a good picture of her to sign.She was of the breakfast company yesterday, but the picture of herself which she signed and gave me does not do her majestic beauty justice.
I am too busy to attend to the photo-collecting right, because I have to live up to the name which Jamie Dodge has given me--the "Belle of New York"--and it just keeps me rushing.Yesterday I had engagements to breakfast at noon, dine at 3, and dine again at 7.I got away from the long breakfast at 2 p.m., went and excused myself from the 3 o'clock dinner, then lunched with Mrs.Dodge in 58th street, returned to the Players and dressed, dined out at 9, and was back at Mrs.Dodge's at 10 p.m.where we had magic-lantern views of a superb sort, and a lot of yarns until an hour after midnight, and got to bed at 2 this morning --a good deal of a gain on my recent hours.But I don't get tired; Isleep as sound as a dead person, and always wake up fresh and strong--usually at exactly 9.
I was at breakfast lately where people of seven separate nationalities sat and the seven languages were going all the time.At my side sat a charming gentleman who was a delightful and active talker, and interesting.He talked glibly to those folks in all those seven languages and still had a language to spare! I wanted to kill him, for very envy.
I greet you with love and kisses.
To Mrs.Clemens, in Paris:
Livy dear, last night I played billiards with Mr.Rogers until 11, then went to Robert Reid's studio and had a most delightful time until 4 this morning.No ladies were invited this time.Among the people present were--Coquelin;
Richard Harding Davis;
Harrison, the great out-door painter;
Wm.H.Chase, the artist;
Bettini, inventor of the new phonograph.
Nikola Tesla, the world-wide illustrious electrician; see article about him in Jan.or Feb.Century.
John Drew, actor;
James Barnes, a marvelous mimic; my, you should see him!
Smedley the artist;
Zorn the artist;
Zogbaum the artist;
Reinhart the artist;
Metcalf the artist;
Ancona, head tenor at the Opera;
Oh, a great lot of others.Everybody there had done something and was in his way famous.
Somebody welcomed Coquelin in a nice little French speech; John Drew did the like for me in English, and then the fun began.Coquelin did some excellent French monologues--one of them an ungrammatical Englishman telling a colorless historiette in French.It nearly killed the fifteen or twenty people who understood it.
I told a yarn, Ancona sang half a dozen songs, Barnes did his darling imitations, Harding Davis sang the hanging of Danny Deever, which was of course good, but he followed it with that most fascinating (for what reason I don't know) of all Kipling's poems, "On the Road to Mandalay,"sang it tenderly, and it searched me deeper and charmed me more than the Deever.
Young Gerrit Smith played some ravishing dance music and we all danced about an hour.There couldn't be a pleasanter night than that one was.
Some of those people complained of fatigue but I don't seem to know what the sense of fatigue is.
Coquelin talks quite good English now.He said:
"I have a brother who has the fine mind--ah, a charming and delicate fancy, and he knows your writings so well, and loves them--and that is the same with me.It will stir him so when I write and tell him I have seen you!"Wasn't that nice? We talked a good deal together.He is as winning as his own face.But he wouldn't sign that photograph for Clara."That?
No! She shall have a better one.I will send it to you."He is much driven, and will forget it, but Reid has promised to get the picture for me, and I will try and keep him reminded.
Oh, dear, my time is all used up and your letters are not answered.
Mama, dear, I don't go everywhere--I decline most things.But there are plenty that I can't well get out of.
I will remember what you say and not make my yarning too common.
I am so glad Susy has gone on that trip and that you are trying the electric.May you both prosper.For you are mighty dear to me and in my thoughts always.
The affairs of the Webster Publishing Company were by this time getting into a very serious condition indeed.The effects of the panic of the year before could not be overcome.Creditors were pressing their claims and profits were negligible.In the following letter we get a Mark Twain estimate of the great financier who so cheerfully was willing to undertake the solving of Mark Twain's financial problems.
To Mrs.Clemens, in Paris:
THE PLAYERS, Feb.15, '94.11.30 p.m.
Livy darling, Yesterday I talked all my various matters over with Mr.