"Bless my buttons!" cried Mr.Damon."Let's chase after him!" yelled Ned.
"Koku kin run de fastest oh any oh us," put in Eradicate."Let him go." "Hold on--wait a minute!" exclaimed Tom."We want to know who that man is--and why we're going to chase after him.Koku, I guess it's up to you.Something has been going on here that I don't know anythingabout.Explain!"
"Well, it's no use to chase after him now," said Ned."There he goes on his motor-cycle."As he spoke the man, who, even from a rear view, presented all the characteristics of an army man, so straight was his carriage, leaped upon a motor-cycle that he pulled from the roadside bushes, and soon disappeared in a cloud of dust.
"No, he's gone," spoke Tom, half-regretfully."But who was he, Koku? You seemed to know him.What was he doing out here, watching my test?""Me tell," said the giant, simply."Little while after Master come back from where him say big gun all go smash, man come to shop when Master out one day.Him very nice man, and him say him know you, and want to help you make big cannon.I say, 'Master no be at home.' Man say him want to give master a little present of powder for use in new cannon.Master be much pleased, man say.Make powder better.I take, and I want Master to be pleased.I put stuff what man gave me in new powder.Man go away--he laugh-- he say he be here today see what happen --I tell him you go to make test today.Man say Master be much surprised.That all I know."Silence followed Koku's statement.To Ned and Mr.Damon it was not exactly clear, but Tom better understood his giant servant's queer talk.
"Is that what you mean, Koku?" asked the young inventor, after a pause."Did some stranger come here one day when I was out, after I hadmade my new powder, and did he give you some 'dope' to put in it?" "What you mean by 'dope'?""I mean any sort of stuff."
"Yes, man give me something like sugar, and I sprinkle it on new powder for to surprise Master.""Well, you've done it, all right," said Tom, grimly."Have you any of the stuff left?""I put all in iron box where Master keep new powder.""Well, then some of it must be there yet.Probably it sifted through the excelsior-like grains of my new explosive, and we'll find it on the bottom of the powder-case.But enough stuck to the strands to spoil my test.I'll just take a reading of the gauges, and then we'll make an investigation."Tom, with Ned to help him, made notes of how far the weight had risen in the tube, and took data of other points in the experiment.
"Pshaw!" exclaimed Tom."There wasn't much more force to my new powder, doped as it apparently has been, than to the stuff I can buy in the open market.But I'm glad I know what the trouble is, for I can remedy it.Come on back to the shop.Koku, don't you ever do anything like this again," and Tom spoke severely.
"No, Master," answered the giant, humbly."Did you ever see this man before, Koku?" "No, Master.""What kind of a fellow was he?" asked Ned.
"Oh, him got whiskers on him face, and stand very straight, like stick bending backwards.Him look like a soldier, and him blink one eye more than the other."Tom and Ned started and looked at one another.
"That description fits General Waller," said Ned, in a low voice to his chum.
"Yes, in a way; but it would be out of the question for the General to do such a thing.Besides, the man who ran away, and escaped on his motor-cycle, was larger than General Waller.""It was hard to tell just what size he was at the distance," spoke Ned."It doesn't seem as though he would try to spoil your experiments.