
`Which are my fingers and which are yours?' he said, looking up.`They are very much mixed.'

`They are all yours,' said she, very prettily, and endeavoured to be gayer than she was.He had not been displeased with her thoughtfulness on such an occasion; it was what every sensible woman would show: but Tess knew that she had been thoughtful to excess, and struggled against it.

The sun was so low on that short last afternoon of the year that it shone in through a small opening and formed a golden staff which stretched across to her skirt, where it made a spot like a paint-mark set upon her.

They went into the ancient parlour to tea, and here they shared their first common meal alone.Such was their childishness, or rather his, that he found it interesting to use the same bread-and-butter plate as herself, and to brush crumbs from her lips with his own.He wondered a little that she did not enter into these frivolities with his own zest.

Looking at her silently for a long time; `She is a dear dear Tess,'

he thought to himself, as one deciding on the true construction of a difficult passage.`Do I realize solemnly enough how utterly and irretrievably this little womanly thing is the creature of my good or bad faith and fortune?

I think not.I think I could not, unless I were a woman myself.What Iam in worldly estate, she is.What I become, she must become.What I cannot be, she cannot be.And shall I ever neglect her, or hurt her, or even forget to consider her? God forbid such a crime!'

They sat on over the tea-table waiting for their luggage, which the dairyman had promised to send before it grew dark.But evening began to close in, and the luggage did not arrive, and they had brought nothing more than they stood in.With the departure of the sun the calm mood of the winter day changed.Out of doors there began noises as of silk smartly rubbed; the restful dead leaves of the preceding autumn were stirred to irritated resurrection, and whirled about unwillingly, and tapped against the shutters.It soon began to rain.

`That cock knew the weather was going to change,' said Clare.

The woman who had attended upon them had gone home for the night, but she had placed candles upon the table, and now they lit them.Each candle-flame drew towards the fireplace.

`These old houses are so draughty,' continued Angel, looking at the flames, and at the grease guttering down the sides.`I wonder where that luggage is.We haven't even a brush and comb.'

`I don't know,' she answered, absent-minded.

`Tess, you are not a bit cheerful this evening - not at all as you used to be.Those harridans on the panels upstairs have unsettled you.I am sorry I brought you here.I wonder if you really love me, after all?'

He knew that she did, and the words had no serious intent; but she was surcharged with emotion, and winced like a wounded animal.Though she tried not to shed tears she could not help showing one or two.

`I did not mean it!' said he, sorry.`You are worried at not having your things, I know.I cannot think why old Jonathan has not come with them.Why, it is seven o'clock? Ah, there he is!'

A knock had come to the door, and, there being nobody else to answer it Clare went out.He returned to the room with a small package in his hand.

`It is not Jonathan, after all,' he said.

`How vexing!' said Tess.

The packet had been brought by a special messenger, who had arrived at Talbothays from Emminster Vicarage immediately after the departure of the married couple, and had followed them hither, being under injunction to deliver it into nobody's hands but theirs.Clare brought it to the light.

It was less than a foot long, sewed up in canvas, sealed in red wax with his father's seal, and directed in his father's hand to `Mrs Angel Clare'.

`It is a little wedding-present for you, Tess,' said he, handing it to her.`How thoughtful they are!'

Tess looked a little flustered as she took it.

`I think I would rather have you open it, dearest,' said she, turning over the parcel.`I don't like to break those great seals; they look so serious.Please open it for me!'

He undid the parcel.Inside was a case of morocco leather, on the top of which lay a note and a key.

The note was for Clare, in the following words: My DEAR SON, - Possibly you have forgotten that on the death of your godmother, Mrs Pitney, when you were a lad, she - vain kind woman that she was - left to me a portion of the contents of her jewel-case in trust for your wife, if you should ever have one, as a mark of her affection for you and whomsoever you should choose.This trust I have fulfilled, and the diamonds have been locked up at my banker's ever since.Though I feel it to be a somewhat incongruous act in the circumstances, I am, as you will see, bound to hand over the articles to the woman to whom the use of them for her lifetime will now rightly belong, and they are therefore promptly sent.They become, I believe, heirlooms, strictly speaking, according to the terms of your godmother's will.The precise words of the clause that refers to this matter are enclosed.`I do remember,' said Clare; `but I had quite forgotten.'

Unlocking the case, they found it to contain a necklace, with pendant, bracelets, and ear-rings; and also some other small ornaments.

Tess seemed afraid to touch them at first, but her eyes sparkled for a moment as much as the stones when Clare spread out the set.

`Are they mine?' she asked incredulously.

`They are, certainly,' said he.