

Well, shepherd, for thy worthy valour tried, Endangering thy self to set me free, Unrecompensed, sure, thou shalt not be.

In court thy courage shall be plainly known:

Throughout the Kingdom will I spread thy name, To thy renown and never dying fame:

And that thy courage may be better known, Bear thou the head of this most monstrous beast In open sight to every courtiers view:

So will the king my father thee reward.

Come, let's away, and guard me to the court.


With all my heart.


ACT I. SCENE IV. Outskirts of the Forest.

[Enter Segasto solus.]


When heaps of harms to hover over head, Tis time as then, some say, to look about, And of ensuing harms to choose the least:

But hard, yea hapless, is that wretches chance, Luckless his lot and caytiffe like acourste, At whose proceedings fortune ever frowns.

My self I mean, most subject unto thrall, For I, the more I seek to shun the worst, The more by proof I find myself accurst:

Ere whiles assaulted with an ugly bear, Fair Amadine in company all alone, Forthwith by flight I thought to save my self, Leaving my Amadine unto her shifts:

For death it was for to resist the bear, And death no less of Amadine's harms to hear.