书城公版In Defence of Harriet Shelley


He was apparently not aware that it was a small business to bring into his court a witness whose name he does not know,and whose character and veracity there is none to vouch for,and allow him to strike this blow at the mother-heart of this friendless girl.The biographer says,"We may not infer from this that Harriet did not feel"--why put it in,then?--"but we learn that those about her could believe her to be hard and insensible."Who were those who were about her?Her husband?He hated her now,because he was in love elsewhere.Her sister?Of course that is not charged.Peacock?Peacock does not testify.The wet-nurse?She does not testify.If any others were there we have no mention of them.

"Those about her"are reduced to one person--her husband.Who reports the circumstance?It is Hogg.Perhaps he was there--we do not know.

But if he was,he still got his information at second-hand,as it was the operator who noticed Harriet's lack of emotion,not himself.Hogg is not given to saying kind things when Harriet is his subject.He may have said them the time that he tried to tempt her to soil her honor,but after that he mentions her usually with a sneer."Among those who were about her"was one witness well equipped to silence all tongues,abolish all doubts,set our minds at rest;one witness,not called,and not callable,whose evidence,if we could but get it,would outweigh the oaths of whole battalions of hostile Hoggs and nameless surgeons--the baby.I wish we had the baby's testimony;and yet if we had it it would not do us any good--a furtive conjecture,a sly insinuation,a pious "if"or two,would be smuggled in,here and there,with a solemn air of judicial investigation,and its positiveness would wilt into dubiety.

The biographer says of Harriet,"If words of tender affection and motherly pride proved the reality of love,then undoubtedly she loved her firstborn child."That is,if mere empty words can prove it,it stands proved--and in this way,without committing himself,he gives the reader a chance to infer that there isn't any extant evidence but words,and that he doesn't take much stock in them.How seldom he shows his hand!

He is always lurking behind a non-committal "if"or something of that kind;always gliding and dodging around,distributing colorless poison here and there and everywhere,but always leaving himself in a position to say that his language will be found innocuous if taken to pieces and examined.He clearly exhibits a steady and never-relaxing purpose to make Harriet the scapegoat for her husband's first great sin--but it is in the general view that this is revealed,not in the details.His insidious literature is like blue water;you know what it is that makes it blue,but you cannot produce and verify any detail of the cloud of microscopic dust in it that does it.Your adversary can dip up a glassful and show you that it is pure white and you cannot deny it;and he can dip the lake dry,glass by glass,and show that every glassful is white,and prove it to any one's eye--and yet that lake was blue and you can swear it.This book is blue--with slander in solution.

Let the reader examine,for example,the paragraph of comment which immediately follows the letter containing Shelley's self-exposure which we have been considering.This is it.One should inspect the individual sentences as they go by,then pass them in procession and review the cake-walk as a whole: