
第47章 索引(2)

and selfless minds 与无自我的心智,105-106,124

Cognitive realism 认知实在论,134,136,138,147,149

Cognitive science 认知科学

and adaptationism 与适应论,185

and Cartesian anxiety 与笛卡尔式焦虑,133-134,136-140,142,144

and circularity 与循环,3,9-10

and circulation 与循环,237-238

and connectionism 与联结主义,87

definition of~的定义,4-9

and divided agents 与分开的行动者,124-125,127,129

and ecology 与生态学,198

and enaction 与生成,148-151,157,180-181

enactive 生成的(see Enactive cognitive science 见生成认知科学)

and ethics 与伦理,246,253

and evolution 与演化,193-195,206-213

and experience 与经验,15,20-21,23,27,33

and groundlessness 与无根基性,217,230-231,234

and human experience 与人类经验,48,51

and middle way 与中道,220-221,228

and neuronal emergences 与神经涌现,97

and nihilism 与虚无主义,239

and Nishitani 与西谷启治,244-245

and psychoanalysis 与精神分析,47

and reflection 与反思,30

and self 与自我,59,67,81

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,110,130

and self‐organization 与自组织,85

and societies of mind 与心智科学,105,107-108

stages of~的阶段,6-7

and symbols 与符号,37-42,44,98-99,102-103

Cognitivism 认知主义

and Cartesian anxiety 与笛卡尔式焦虑,133-134,138,140

and circularity 与循环,5,74,13

and connectionism 与联结主义,92

and enaction 与生成,148,150,172,179

and ethics 与伦理,253

and evolution 与演化,185,207-208,212-213

and experience 与经验,21

and middle way 与中道,231

and neuronal emergences 与神经涌现,93

and self 与自我,81

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,106,108,126

and self‐organization 与自组织,85-86

and symbols 与符号,99-103

Cognitivist hypothesis 认知主义假设,37-39

and artificial intelligence 与人工智能,43-44

and brain 与脑,44

and computational mind 与计算心智,52-57

definition of~的定义,40-43

and human experience 与人类经验,48-51

and psychoanalysis 与心理分析,47-48

and psychology 与心理学,44-47

Color perception 颜色知觉,157-171,180-183

Common sense 常识,144-145,147-150,217-218

Compassion 慈悲,247-253

Computation 计算

and Cartesian anxiety 与笛卡尔式焦虑,134,139

and circularity 与循环,7

and cognitivist hypothesis 与认知主义假设,40-42,46-47,49

and enaction 与生成,170,180

and evolution 与演化,212

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,108

and self‐organization 与自组织,85‐87

and symbols 与符号,99-101

Computational mind 计算心智,52‐57

Computers 计算机,7-8,157

and cognitivist hypothesis 与认知主义假设,38-39,41-42,47

and emergence 与涌现,86,93

Concentration 专注,23-24

Conditioning 条件作用

and basic element analysis 与基本元素分析,118-120,122

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,114-115,122-123,125

Connectionism 联结主义

and Cartesian anxiety 与笛卡尔式焦虑,133

and circularity 与循环,8-9,11

and enaction 与生成,148,172

and evolution 与演化,190,207-208,212-213

and experience 与经验,21

and self‐organization 与自组织,85,88,90

strategy of~的策略,87-88

and symbols 与符号,98-103

today 今天,92-93

Consciousness 意识

and basic element analysis 与基本元素分析,117-122

and circularity 循环,3-4

and cognitivist hypothesis 与认知主义假设,47-51

and computational mind 与计算心智,52-57

and divided agents 与分开的行动者,123,126,128

and experience 与经验,15-18,23

and middle way 与中道,221-222

mindfulness/awareness and 正念/觉知与,256-257

and neuronal emergences 与神经涌现,98

and nihilism 与虚无主义,239

and Nishitani 与西谷启治,242-243

personal level of~的个人水平,48-49

and self 与自我,64,67-68,71-73

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,108,113

states of~的状态,23

unity of~的统一,55

Constraints 约束

and ecology 与生态学,199

and ethics 与伦理,245

and evolution 与演化,194-196,205-207,212

reciprocal 互惠的,202

Contact 触,68,113,119-120

Continental philosophy 大陆哲学,149-150

Cortical activity 皮层活动,73-74,76

Coupling 耦合

and evolution 与演化,206-207,213-214

structural 结构的(see Structural coupling 见结构耦合)

Craving 爱,243,249

and codependent arising 与缘起,114-115

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,118,121-122,125,127

Culture 文化,10,144,227,238,244

and cognition as embodied action 与作为具身心动的认知,172-173,177-180

and enaction 与生成,149-150,169

and ethics 与伦理,253-254

and evolution 与演化,213

and experience 与经验,21-22,27,30

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,109,126,129

Cybernetics 控制论

and cognitivist hypothesis 与认知主义假设,3742,44

and evolution 与演化,208

and self‐organization 与自组织,85,88


Darwin,Charles 达尔文,查尔斯,5,116,185,198,200

Dasein 此在,19,127

Death 死,115-117

de Beer,G.德·比尔,189

Decay 老,115-117

Delusion 错觉,26,67

Dennett,Daniel 丹尼特,丹尼尔,11,48-50.86

Dependent origination 缘起

and mindfulness/awareness 与正念/觉知,256

Derivative unwholesome factors 随烦恼心所,258



Development 发展

and ecology 与生态学,195-200

and evolution 与演化,189-191,197

Dharma 法,117,221

Digital computers 数字计算机,7-8,38-39,41,157

Discernment 想,66‐68,98,119-120

Dispositional formations 行,64,67-72,80


Dissatisfaction 不满,133-134

Dissociated state 分离状态,23,25

Disunity 非统一,55-57,69,109


Doubt 惑,243

Dreyfus,Hubert 德雷福斯,休伯特,13,251

Dukkha 苦,61

Dynamical systems theory 动力系统理论,89,99

Dynamics 动力学,90


Ecology 生态学

and development 与生成,195-200

and enaction 与生成,166,183

and evolution 与演化,187,203-204

Economic view of mind 心智的经济学观点,245-246

Edelman,Gerald 艾德尔曼,杰拉尔德,200

Ego 自我

Cartesian 笛卡尔式,143

and circulation 与循环,237

and codependent arising 与缘起,111,116

and ethics 与伦理,249,252-253

and middle way 与中道,221,234

and neuronal emergences 与神经涌现,97

and Nishitani 与西谷启治,245

and self 与自我,59,61,79-81

and self in aggregates 与蕴(积聚)中的自我,64,66-67,70-71

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,121,123-126

Ego clinging 我执,67,248

Egolessness 无我性,61-62,220,234,245

Egomania 极端利己,62

Ego-self 自我,64,66-67,70,79-81

and Cartesian anxiety 与笛卡尔式焦虑,143-144

and ethics 与伦理,250-251,254

and middle way 与中道,217,221

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,116,121,123-126

Egotism 自我中心,246-247

Embodied,meaning of 具身的,~的意义,27

Embodied action 具身行动

cognition as 认知作为,172-180,228

and evolution 与演化,185,205-206,213

explanation of~的解释,172-173

Embodied cognition 具身认知

and action 与行动,172-180

and color perception 与颜色知觉,157-171

and common sense 与常识,147-150

and natural selection 与自然选择,180-184

and self-organization 与自组织,151-157

Embodiment 具身性