书城公版The Prime Minister



The husband was almost jovial when he came home just in time to take his young wife to dine with their father.'I've had such a day in the city,' he said, laughing.'I wish I could introduce you to my friend, Mr Sextus Parker.'

'Cannot you do so?'

'Well, no; not exactly.Of course you'd like him, because he is such a wonderful character, but he'd hardly do for your drawing-room.He's the vulgarest little creature you ever put your eyes on; and yet in a certain way he is my partner.'

'Then I suppose you trust him?'

'Indeed I don't;--but I make him useful.Poor little Sexty! Ido trust him to a degree, because he believes in me and thinks he can do best by sticking to me.The old saying of "honour among thieves" isn't without a dash of truth in it.When two men are in a boat together, they must be true to each other, else neither will get to the shore.'

'You don't attribute high motives to your friend.'

'I'm afraid there are not very many high motives in the world, my girl, especially in the city;--nor yet at Westminster.It can hardly be from high motives when a lot of men, thinking differently on every possible subject, come together for the sake of pay and power.I don't know whether, after all, Sextus Parker mayn't have as high motives as the Duke of Omnium.I don't suppose anyone ever had lower motives than the Duchess when she chiselled me about Silverbridge.Never mind,--it'll all be one a hundred years hence.Get ready, for I want you to be with your father a little before dinner.'

Then, when they were in the brougham together, he began a course of very plain instructions.'Look here, dear, you had better get him to talk to you before dinner.I dare say Mrs Roby will be there, and I will get her on one side.At any rate you can manage it, because we shall be early, and I'll take up a book while you are talking to him.'

'What do you wish me to say to him, Ferdinand?'

'I have been thinking of your own proposal, and I am quite sure that we had better join him in the Square.The thing is, I am in a little mess about the rooms, and can't stay on without paying very dearly for them.'

'I thought you had paid for them.'

'Well;--yes; in one sense I had, but you don't understand about business.You had better not interrupt me now, as I have got a good deal to say before we get to the Square.It will suit me to give up the rooms.I don't like them, and they are very dear.

As you yourself said, it will be a capital thing for us to go and live with your father.'

'I meant only for a visit.'

'It will be for a visit;--and we'll make it a long visit.' It was odd that the man should have been so devoid of right feeling himself as not to have known that the ideas which he expressed were revolting! 'You can sound him.Begin by saying that you are afraid he is desolate.He told me himself that he was desolate, and you can refer to that.Then tell him that we are both of us prepared to do anything that we can to relieve him.

Put your arm over him, and kiss him, and all that sort of thing.'

She shrunk from him into the corner of the brougham, and yet he did not perceive it.'Then say that you think he would be happier if we were to join him here for a time.You can make him understand that there would be no difficulty about the apartments.But don't say it all in a set speech, as though it were prepared,--though of course you can let him know that you have suggested it to me, and that I am willing.Be sure to let him understand that the idea began with you.'

'But it did not.'

'You proposed to go and stay with him.Tell him just that.And you should explain to him that he can dine at the club just as much as he likes.When you were alone with him here, of course, he had to come home, but he needn't do that now unless he chooses.Of course the brougham would be my affair.And if he should say anything about sharing the house expenses, you can tell him that I would do anything he might propose.' Her father to share the household expenses in his own house, and with his own children! 'You say as much as you can of all this before dinner, so that when we are sitting below he may suggest it if he pleases.It would suit me to get in there next week if possible.'

And so one lesson had been given.She had said little or nothing in reply, and he had only finished as they entered the Square.

She had hardly a minute allowed her to think how far she might follow, and in what she must ignore, her husband's instructions.

If she might use her own judgement, she would tell her father at once that a residence for a time beneath his roof would be of service to them pecuniarily.But this she might not do.She understood that her duty to her husband did forbid her to proclaim his poverty in opposition to his wishes.She would tell nothing that he did not wish her to tell,--but make the suggestion about their change of residence, and would make it with proper affection;--but as regarded themselves she would simply say that it would suit their views to give up their rooms if it suited them.

Mr Wharton was all alone when they entered the drawing-room,--but as Mr Lopez had surmised, had asked his sister-in-law round the corner to come to dinner.'Roby always likes an excuse to get to his club,' said the old man, 'and Harriet likes an excuse to go anywhere.' It was not long before Lopez began to play his part by seating himself close to the open window and looking out into the Square; and Emily when she found herself close to her father, with her hand in his, could hardly divest herself of a feeling that she also was playing her part.'I see so very little of you,' said the old man plaintively.

'I'd come oftener if I thought you'd like it.'

'It isn't liking, my dear.Of course you have to live with your husband.Isn't it sad about Everett?'

'Very sad.But Everett hasn't lived here for ever so long.'

'I don't know why he shouldn't.He was a fool to go away when he did.Does he go to you?'


'And what does he say?'

'I'm sure he would be with you at once if you would ask him.'

'I have asked him.I've sent word by Lopez over and over again.