
As it turned out, I found myself standing nearly in the same place where Rosanna Spearman and I had been talking together when Mr.Franklin suddenly appeared before us, on arriving at our house from London.While my eyes were watching the Sergeant, my mind wandered away in spite of me to what had passed, on that former occasion, between Rosanna and me.I declare I almost felt the poor thing slip her hand again into mine, and give it a little grateful squeeze to thank me for speaking kindly to her.I declare I almost heard her voice telling me again that the Shivering Sand seemed to draw her to it against her own will, whenever she went out--almost saw her face brighten again, as it brightened when she first set eyes upon Mr.Franklin coming briskly out on us from among the hillocks.My spirits fell lower and lower as I thought of these things--and the view of the lonesome little bay, when I looked about to rouse myself, only served to make me feel more uneasy still.

The last of the evening light was fading away; and over all the desolate place there hung a still and awful calm.The heave of the main ocean on the great sand-bank out in the bay, was a heave that made no sound.The inner sea lay lost and dim, without a breath of wind to stir it.Patches of nasty ooze floated, yellow-white, on the dead surface of the water.

Scum and slime shone faintly in certain places, where the last of the light still caught them on the two great spits of rock jutting out, north and south, into the sea.It was now the time of the turn of the tide; and even as I stood there waiting, the broad brown face of the quicksand began to dimple and quiver--the only moving thing in all the horrid place.

I saw the Sergeant start as the shiver of the sand caught his eye.After looking at it for a minute or so, he turned and came back to me.

`A treacherous place, Mr.Betteredge," he said; `and no signs of Rosanna Spearman anywhere on the beach, look where you may.'

He took me down lower on the shore, and I saw for myself that his footsteps and mine were the only footsteps printed off on the sand.

`How does the fishing village bear, standing where we are now?' asked Sergeant Cuff.

`Cobb's Hole,' I answered (that being the name of the place), `bears as near as may be, due south.'

`I saw the girl this evening, walking northward along the shore, from Cobb's Hole,' said the Sergeant.`Consequently, she must have been walking towards this place.Is Cobb's Hole on the other side of that point of land there? And can we get to it--now it's low water--by the beach?'

I answered, `Yes,' to both those questions.

`If you'll excuse my suggesting it, we'll step out briskly,' said the Sergeant.`I want to find the place where she left the shore, before it gets dark.'

We had walked, I should say, a couple of hundred yards towards Cobb's Hole, when Sergeant Cuff suddenly went down on his knees on the beach, to all appearance seized with a sudden frenzy for saying his prayers.

`There's something to be said for your marine landscape here, after all,' remarked the Sergeant.`Here are a woman's footsteps, Mr.Betteredge!

Let us call them Rosanna's footsteps until we find evidence to the contrary that we can't resist.Very confused footsteps, you will please to observe--purposely confused, I should say.Ah, poor soul, she understands the detective virtues of sand as well as I do! But hasn't she been in rather too great a hurry to tread out the marks thoroughly? I think she has.Here's one footstep going from Cobb's Hole; and here is another going back to it.Isn't that the toe of her shoe pointing straight to the water's edge? And don't I see two heel-marks farther down the beach, close at the water's edge also? I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I'm afraid Rosanna is sly.

It looks as if she had determined to get to that place you and I have just come from, without leaving any marks on the sand to trace her by.Shall we say that she walked through the water from this point till she got to that ledge of rocks behind us, and came back the same way, and then took to the beach again where those two heel-marks are still left? Yes, we'll say that.It seems to fit in with my notion that she had something under her cloak, when she left the cottage.No! not something to destroy--for, in that case, where would have been the need of all these precautions to prevent my tracing the place at which her walk ended? Something to hide is, I think, the better guess of the two.Perhaps, if we go on to the cottage, we may find out what that something is?'

At this proposal, my detective-fever suddenly cooled.`You don't want me,' I said.`What good can I do?'

`The longer I know you, Mr.Betteredge,' said the Sergeant, `the more virtues I discover.Modesty--oh dear me, how rare modesty is in this world!

and how much of that rarity you possess! If I go alone to the cottage, the people's tongues will be tied at the first question I put to them.

If I go with you, I go introduced by a justly respected neighbour, and a flow of conversation is the necessary result.It strikes me in that light;how does it strike you?'

Not having an answer of the needful smartness as ready as I could have wished, I tried to gain time by asking him what cottage he wanted to go to.