书城公版A Collection of Ballads

第43章 Ballad:Dickie Macphalion (Sharpe's Ballad Book,No.

I went to the mill,but the miller was gone,I sat me down,and cried ochone!

To think on the days that are past and gone,Of ****ie Macphalion that's slain.

Shoo,shoo,shoolaroo,To think on the days that are past and gone,Of ****ie Macphalion that's slain.

I sold my rock,I sold my reel,And sae hae I my spinning wheel,And a'to buy a cap of steel For ****ie Macphalion that's slain!

Shoo,shoo,shoolaroo,And a'to buy a cap of steel For ****ie Macphalion that's slain.