
第63章 口语(35)




10 Does this promotion come with a raise


触 类 旁 通

Your new responsibilities will mean more pay.


超 级 情 景 会 话

Getting a Promotion

H: Come in. Please sit down.

G: Thanks, Mr. Harold. Im Georgia.

H: OK, what can I do for you, Georgia ?

G: Well, Ive worked here as a typist for about a year, and Id like to havea chance of advancement.

H: What job are you applying for ?

G: Id like a secretarial job in the clerical department.

H: Is your English good enough ?

G: I hope so. Im studying English at a language school.

H: What about your typing speed ?

G: I can type 50 words per minute.

H: OK. Georgia, you have the seniority and I know you can do the job.

Do you understand probation ?

G: Yes, I think so. I have 30 days to learn the job, right ?

H: Thats right. You can start on the 1st of July, OK ?

G: No problem. Ill try my best to learn the new job.

H: Well, good luck.



G:谢谢,Harold 先生。我是Georgia。

H:我能帮你什么,Georgia ?







G:每分钟50 个单词。

H: 好吧,Georgia,你具备应有的资历,你会把工作做好的。你了解公司的试用期情况吗?

G:是的。我需要30 天来学会新工作,对吗?

H:是的,你可以从7 月1 日开始,好吗?



经 典 释 疑

Id like to have a chance of advancement. 我期望一个升迁的机会。“Idlike to” 即“I would like to…” 表示我想要…… 例如:Id like to goswimming. 我想去游泳。have a chance of…有……的机会。例如:Imnot sure if I have a chance of promotion. 我不确定是否有升迁的机会。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. Would you please think about giving me a raise 请您考虑给我加薪。

2. I want a promotion. 我要升职。

3. Were the same position but they get more than me. 我们做同样的工作但是他们的工资比我高。

4. Considering your good performance, well offer you the position ofdirector. 考虑到你表现优秀, 我们决定升你为主任。

5. Can you give me some reasons for a raise能告诉我你要加薪的理由吗?

6. Congratulations on your promotion! 恭喜你升职!

7. Its a big surprise for me to get this promotion. 这次升职对我来说是个很大的惊喜。

8. Ive worked here as a typist for about a year, and Id like to have achance of advancement. 我在此已做打字员一年了,我期望一个升迁的机会。

9. My work has proven to be good, so can you give me a promotion 我的业绩一直很好,所以能给我升个职吗?

10. Id like a secretarial job in the clerical department. 我希望到办公部门做秘书事务工作。

11 Ill consider changing my job if betteropportunities arise. 如果有更好的机会,我会考虑换工作。

触 类 旁 通

Ill consider changing my job if there is a better chance.


超 级 情 景 会 话

Job Hopping

Tina: Hows your job at the state-owned enterprise

Julia: Oh, I no longer work there. Im working with a multi-national corporation.

Tina: You changed jobs again Why do you move so frequently

Julia: I want to try different things before I find the one I really like.

Tina: Why dont you stick with one job for a bit longer

Julia: I could handle everything pretty well in the old position, so Idecided to move around and learn something new.

Tina: Hows your current job going

Julia: Im pretty satisfied with it. I can broaden my experience, learn lotsof new things, and have more development opportunities.

Tina: Sounds good, but I still think perhaps you should first have a clearcareer path to follow, and then decide whether to change your jobor not.

Julia: Yes, youre right. When I graduated, I didnt know what I reallywanted to do or what I could do. Now things are growing muchclearer.

Tina: Do you have a definite career path yet

Julia: Im not sure. I just like the job Im doing now.







Julia: 原来的工作我都能处理得很好,所以我想换换环境,学点新东西。


Julia: 挺满意的。我可以拓宽经验,学到很多新东西,还能得到更多发展机会。

Tina: 不错,但我还是认为你该先找到一个明确的职业生涯发展,然后再决定要不要换工作。

Julia: 没错。刚毕业的时候,我不知道自己想做什么,也不知道自己能做什么,现在我清楚多了。



常 用 语 聚 焦

1. We have to be prepared for unexpected changes, either job-hopping orbeing fired. 我们得为突如其来的变化做好计划,比如说跳槽,或是被炒鱿鱼。

2. Ill consider changing my job if better opportunities arise. 如果有更好的机会,我会考虑换工作。

3. Ive handed in my resignation letter. 我已经交了辞职信。

4. I want to exchange my current job for a more challenging and betterPartpaid one. 我想换一份更有挑战性、薪资更高的工作。

5. Its not for a higher salary or better benefits that I desire to change jobs.


6. Im wondering why IT companies are always willing to pay more tonew employees instead of giving an attractive pay raise to retain the oldones. 真不明白为什么IT 公司总是愿意给新员工高薪,而不用加薪的手段来留住老员工。

7. After receiving my yearly bonus, I want to find better opportunities inthe spring job market. 拿到年终奖之后,我想在年后就从市场上找到更好的工作机会。

8. Most IT professionals can get a pay raise more easily by switching jobs.

大多数想要加薪的IT 从业者都会换工作,这样来得更容易。

9. Job hopping is quite common in the IT industry. 跳槽在IT 界很常见。

12 Do you have any insurance


触 类 旁 通

Have you got any insurance


超 级 情 景 会 话

Employment Benefits

Judy: Hey, Frank. I heard you got a new job.

Frank: Yeah, Judy. I will be working for the Post Office. Its not a badjob.

Judy: Is it true that you have a heavy work schedule

Frank: Thats right. I report to work at 5:00 am every day, and I only get45 minutes for lunch.

Judy: So, why did you apply for such a demanding job

Frank: Well, the government offers its employees excellent healthinsurance benefits.

Judy: Oh, I see. And can your family utilize the health insurance, too

Frank: Yeah, thats the best part. All of my children can get free medicalcare.

Judy: Thats a great employment benefit!

Frank: Now you know why I wanted to work for the Post Office!





Frank: 的确是。我每天早上5 点钟去上班,中午只有45 分钟的时间吃饭。




Frank: 可以,好就好在这里。我所有的孩子都可以免费得到医疗护理。
