
第31章 口语(3)

Linda: The fish smells so delicious. Have you learned cooking

Ruby: Thank you. I just learn it from my mother. She does well in cooking.

May: I like the fruit salad. It looks so tasty.

Lucy: I prefer the vegetable soup. It tastes light and fresh.

Ruby: I bought spinach and eggs this morning. Have more, please.

Linda: OK, today is Lucys birthday. We meet here for our getting together.

Ruby: Lets cut the cake. May you happy birthday, Lucy.

Linda: Please make a wish.

Lucy: I wish…Thanks for your company and wishes. Im so happy today.

Ruby: Lets say well hold our birthday parties at home from today.

Home party is so interesting.








Linda:今天是Lucy 的生日。我们聚在这里庆祝我们的重逢。




Ruby: 让我们约定从今天起在家里举行我们的生日聚会。家庭聚会很有意思。

经 典 释 疑

Help yourselves. 请随意。

help oneself 请随意吃,不要拘束,例如:Please help yourselves. 请随意。

Please make a wish. 请许愿。

make a wish 许愿,例如:Make a wish, please. 许个愿吧。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. Heres to your health. 为你的健康干杯。

2. Heres to our getting together. 为我们的久别重逢干杯。

3. What would you like for breakfast 早餐你想吃什么?

4. Have the breakfast been ready 早餐做好了吗?

5. Would you like some fruits for lunch 午餐来点水果怎么样?

6. What about vegetable soup for lunch 午餐来点蔬菜汤怎么样?

7. How do you like steak for supper 你想晚餐吃点牛排吗?

8. What vegetable and meat do we have 我们还有什么?

9. Its good for us to keep the diet balance.保持饮食平衡对我们是好的。

10. Im soon starved. 我快要饿死了。

8 How about dining out


Lets dine out, shall we


超 级 情 景 会 话

Taste Some Beef

(Marvin invites Lucy to a restaurant. He is recommending dishes to her.)Marvin: This is a very nice restaurant.

Lucy: Really Could you give me some advice on their dishes

Marvin: Id like to advise you to have some beef. They have a longhistory to serve it here.

Lucy: It means beef is rather a traditional dish here

Marvin: Yes, exactly. They cook beef in a special way. Im sure youllcertainly be quite satisfied with it.

Lucy: Alright. I would like to have some beef.

Marvin: Besides, they serve the beef with a few seasonings together.

Lucy: Um, thatll make it very delicious.

Marvin: Of course.

Lucy: I am starving. I cant wait to pig out at dinner.

Marvin: Me too. Lets order dishes as quickly as we can.

Lucy: Alright.


( 马文邀请露茜到一家餐厅用餐。他正在向她介绍菜品。)



马文: 我想向你推荐牛肉。这家饭店供应牛肉已有很长的历史了。


马文: 是的,非常正确。他们的牛肉烹制方法与众不同,我保证你吃过之后一定很满意。








经 典 释 疑

I cant wait to pig out at dinner. 我都等不及晚饭要大吃一顿了。cantwait to 意为:“都等不及做某事了”,用来表达一种迫不及待又兴奋的心情,后面通常跟不定式。例如:

Only two days until my birthday! I cant wait!

再过两天就是我的生日了! 我等不及了!

Now dont get too excited. You still have lots of homework to do.


常 用 语 聚 焦

1. Ill try the cream of cauliflower. 我想尝一尝奶油菜花汤。

cauliflower /k :liflau/ n. 菜花。

2. Hush browns, please. 请给我土豆饼。

3. Would you care for soup or salad to start with 先来点汤还是沙拉?

4. What kind of dressing would you like 您想要哪种色拉酱?

5. Whats in the chefs salad 主厨沙拉里有什么?

chef /∫ef/ n. 主厨。

6. Bring me a side of French fries, please. 请另外给我一份薯条。

7. We want a large pizza. 我们要一个大的比萨饼。

8. Id like a side order of coleslaw. 我要一份甘蓝沙拉。

9. How big is the hamburger 汉堡有多大?

10.A large Coke, please. 请给我一大杯可乐。

9 Do you mind buying a ticket for me ?


Would you mind buying me a ticket


超 级 情 景 会 话

Booking a Ticket

A: Good morning. The United Airlines. What can I do for you

B: Yes, Id like to make a reservation to Boston next week.

A: When do you want to fly

B: Monday, September 12.

A: We have Flight 802 on Monday. Just a moment please. Let me checkwhether therere seats available. Im sorry we are all booked up forFlight 802 on that day.

B: Then, any alternatives

A: The next available flight leaves at 9:30 Tuesday morning September13. Shall I book you a seat

B: Er... it is a direct flight, isnt it

A: Yes, it is. You want to go first class or coach

B: I prefer first class, whats the fare

A: One way is $176.

B: OK. I will take the 9:30 flight on Tuesday.

A: A seat on Flight 807 to Boston 9:30 Tuesday morning. Is it all right,sir

B: Right. Can you also put me on the waiting list for the 12th

A: Certainly. May I have your name & telephone number

B: My name is Lorus Anderson. You can reach me at 52378651.

A: I will notify you if there is cancellation.

B: Thank you very much.

A: My pleasure.






A: 我们有周一802 次航班。请稍等,让我查一下那天是否有座。非常抱歉802 次航班机票已订完。


A: 有一次航班在九月十三日周二上午9:30起飞。需要我为您订个座位吗?




A:单程是176 美元。

B:好的。我想订周二9:30 的机票。

A: 一张807 次航班周二早晨9:30 飞往波士顿的机票,对吗,先生?

B:对。你能把我放到12 号等候名单中吗?


B:我叫Lorus Anderson,我的电话是52378651。




经 典 释 疑

Shall I book you a seat 需要我为您订个座位吗 shall 将来时,用于第一人称:I shall be back in a minute. 用来表示征求意见:Shall I go withyou 用在第二、三人称,表示命令,警告,允诺等。He shall answerfor it! shall 和should 用作助动词时,should 是shall 的过去式;用作情态动词时,shall 和should 是两个不同的词。在当代英语中,shall 多用于正式法律文字。如:The vendor shall maintain the equipment in goodrepair. 卖方须完好地维护设备。shall 有时在从句中相当于must。如:

It has been decided that the proposal shall not be opposed. 已经决定不得反对这项提议。作情态动词shall 与should 两者截然不同, should(表示语气较强的假设) 的意思为万一, 竟然,If the car should break down onthe way, you would have to walk back.万一汽车中途抛锚, 你就得走回来。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. I want to buy two single-way tickets to Shanghai, please. 我要买两张去上海的单程车票。

2. Is it available for tonights ticket 有今晚的票吗?

3. I want two return tickets to Suzhou, please. 请买两张去苏州的回程票。

4. Is it necessary to change 需要换车吗?

5. For when 几点的?

6. How do you want to fly, coach or first class 您想要什么票:经济还是头等?

7. I want the tourist class. 我要经济舱的。

8. Heres your ticket, sir. Its all in order. 先生,这是您的机票。全部办妥了。

9. May I have your name and flight number, please 请问您的姓名和班机号码?