
第5章 城市导航(3)

Philip, Alexander the Great, Kassandros, St. Paul the Apostle, Galerius, St. Dimitrios, Cyrillos, Methodius and Armenopoulos. Heroes, rulers, saints, apostles, philosophers and thinkers, residents or visitors that conferred power on the city of Thessaloniki and fed it with legends.

Thessaloniki: a city of the sea, a city of the sun, a city of communicationcommunication n.传达, 信息, 交通, 通讯 and exchanges, a Mediterranean city port.

Today Thessaloniki has a modern port, a thrivingthrive v.兴旺, 繁荣, 茁壮成长, 旺盛 industry and a dynamic trade. It maintains strong links with the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the countries of the Black Sea. A city pulsating with students and their troubles, with researchers and scientists of the largest University in the country; a city that has a great deal to boast of to its citizens, to the country, to the whole world!

Be sure to climb up to the White Tower, the city,s most famous landmarklandmark n.(航海)陆标,地界标,里程碑,划时代的事. It was used as a prison by the sultans and was the scene of a notorious massacre. Thankfully its function today is altogether more pleasant, as it houses a fabulous Byzantine Museum. The entry is free so avail of the opportunity for a little learning. The Turkish quarter, Kastra, is the only part that survived the fire of 1917 intact. Wander the winding streets enjoying the views over the modern city and the splendid bay. The waterfront provides the focus for the modern city and provides ample opportunity for pleasant evening walks. Check out the trendy shops along Tsimiski and enjoy the sun in one of the two watersidewaterside n.水边, 河畔 adj.水边的,在湖畔的 squares, Plateia Eleftherias and Palteia Aristetolous. For entertainment, listen to some live Greek folk music in one of the many bars in the Ladadika district and sample the tastytasty adj.好吃的, 可口的 n.好吃的东西, 吸引人的东西 mezedes available throughout the city.






Patras, or Patra, as it is known to the locals, is one of the largest working towns in the Peloponnese, and after Pireaus, the second major port in Greece. Patras is also the capital of the Archaia prefectureprefecture n.地方官的任期, 辖区 and owes its name to Patreas, the ancient chief of the Archaians. The region was, of course, also named Archaia after their influence.

Though politically insignificantinsignificant adj.无关紧要的, 可忽略的, 无意义的 through most of antiquity, Patras started to play a more important role in 280 B.C., when the Achaian Confederacy was created. In 146 B.C. the area fell to the Romans and later it embracedembrace vt.拥抱, 互相拥抱, 包含, 收买, 信奉 vi.拥抱 n.拥抱 Christianity after St. Andrew the Apostle preached in Patras where he was finally martyredmartyr n.烈士, 殉教者 v.杀害, 折磨. In 1205, Patras occupied center stage with the founding of the Principality of Achaia by the Franks. Not too long after that, it passed into the hands of the Palaiogues, who ruled the Peloponnesse from Mistra where they were succeeded by the Turks in 1460. For a short period (1687~1715), the area was a Venetian colony and was eventually liberated in 1828.

Modern Patras is one of the most important portcities in Greece and largest of the Peloponnese. It also acts as a major transportationtransportation n.运输, 运送 hubhub n.毂, 木片, 中心 n.网络集线器, 网络中心 now, linking the country with Italy and the Peloponnese with the Ionian islands. The city extends from its shores up to the old Castle area and is divided into two parts: the upper castle area, and the lower with small parks and plazas that give the town a definite distinction. The Cathedral of St. Andrew is the city,s patron and rises majestically above the lower city. To the left of it stands an older church built on the site of a Byzantine church that was destroyed by the Turks.

In this convenient portcity you can also go to Italy and Cyprus without hassle, as well as connect to the Ionian islands and Crete. These days, the city has become a key link to the transport network of the mainland too. In Patras you can generally find good restaurants and comfortable hotels. In February, Patras is also known for its famous Carnival, which offers a festive sampling of its citizens, imagination filled with humorhumor n.幽默, 心情, 诙谐 vt.迎合, 迁就, 顺应 and high spirits which attracts thousands of visitors every year.

The city,s innumerableinnumerable adj.无数的, 数不清的 pastrypastry n.面粉糕饼, 馅饼皮 shops, its quiet little cafes, its wide range of tavernas, its lively streets thriving with locals, foreigners and transienttransient adj.短暂的, 瞬时 n.瞬时现象 travelers complete the picture of Patras as a lively bustling portcenter much celebrated throughout Greece.

Modern Patras

The town nowadays remains divided into the Upper and Lower part with broad flightsflight n.飞行, 逃走, 飞跃, 飞机的航程, 班机, 追逐, 楼梯的一段, 射程 vi.成群飞行, 迁徙 vt.射击(飞禽), 使惊飞 of steps, as well as streets, giving access between the two levels. The upper part is the older and more picturesquepicturesque adj.独特的 but the lower part is attractively laid out with plenty of squares, notably the square of Psila Alonia and Georgiou I square. There are a lot of neoclassicalneoclassical adj.新古典主义的 buildings like the theatre “Apollon” in Georgiou I Square, the Town Hall, the headquarters of the Local Trade Association and the Justice Court.

The most interesting ancient monumentmonument n.纪念碑 in Patras is the Roman Odeon, now reconstructed and used as an openair theatre for performances and concerts during the summer period. Overlooking the whole town is a ruined Castle, a relic of the Venetian invasion of the town (1687~1715). In current times, its interiorinterior adj.内部的, 内的 n.内部 is laid out as a public garden.

A Trip to Patras

Patras is the capital of the region or prefecture. It owes its name to Patreas, chief of the Achaians.