Such a case was reported by Alard, in which the elephantiasis seems to have been complicated with eczema of the ear. Willier, also quoted by Alard, describes a remarkable case of elephantiasis of the face. After a debauch this patient experienced violent pain in the left cheek below the zygomatic arch; this soon extended under the chin, and the submaxillary glands enlarged and became painful; the face swelled and became erythematous, and the patient experienced nausea and slight chills. At the end of six months there was another attack, after which the patient perceived that the face continued puffed. This attack was followed by several others, the face growing larger and larger. In similar cases tumefaction assumes enormous proportions, and Schenck speaks of a man whose head exceeded that of an ox in size, the lower part of the face being entirely covered with the nose, which had to be raised to enable its unhappy owner to breathe.
Rayer cites two instances in which elephantiasis of the breast enlarged these organs to such a degree that they hung to the knees. Salmuth speaks of a woman whose breasts increased to such a size that they hung down to her knees. At the same time she had in both axillae glandular tumors as large as the head of a fetus.
Borellus also quotes the case of a woman whose breasts became so large that it was necessary to support them by straps, which passed over the shoulders and neck.
Elephantiasis is occasionally seen in the genital regions of the female, but more often in the scrotum of the male, in which location it produces enormous tumors, which sometimes reach to the ground and become so heavy as to prevent locomotion. This condition is curious in the fact that these immense tumors have been successfully removed, the testicles and penis, which had long since ceased to be distinguished, saved, and their function restored. Alibert mentions a patient who was operated upon by Clot-Bey, whose scrotum when removed weighed 110 pounds; the man had two children after the disease had continued for thirteen years, but before it had obtained its monstrous development--a proof that the functions of the testicles had not been affected by the disease.
There are several old accounts of scrotal tumors which have evidently been elephantoid in conformation. In the Ephemerides in 1692 there was mentioned a tumor of the scrotum weighing 200pounds. In the West Indies it was reported that rats have been known to feed on these enormous tumors, while the deserted subjects lay in a most helpless condition. Larrey mentioned a case of elephantiasis of the scrotum in which the tumor weighed over 200 pounds. Sir Astley Cooper removed a tumor of 56 pounds weight from a Chinese laborer. It extended from beneath the umbilicus to the anterior border of the anus; it had begun in the prepuce ten years previously. Clot-Bey removed an elephantoid tumor of the scrotum weighing 80 pounds, performing castration at the same time. Alleyne reports a case of elephantiasis, in which he successfully removed a tumor of the integuments of the scrotum and penis weighing 134 pounds.
Bicet mentions a curious instance of elephantiasis of the penis and scrotum which had existed for five years. The subject was in great mental misery and alarm at his unsightly condition. The parts of generation were completely buried in the huge mass. An operation was performed in which all of the diseased structures that had totally unmanned him were removed, the true organs of generation escaping inviolate. Thebaud mentions a tumor of the scrotum, the result of elephantiasis, which weighed 63 1/2pounds. The weight was ascertained by placing the tumor on the scales, and directing the patient to squat over them without resting any weight of the body on the scales. This man could readily feel his penis, although his surgeons could not do so.
The bladder was under perfect control, the urine flowing over a channel on the exterior of the scrotum, extending 18 inches from the meatus. Despite his infirmity this patient had perfect sexual desire, and occasional erections and emissions. A very interesting operation was performed with a good recovery.
Partridge reports an enormous scrotal tumor which was removed from a Hindoo of fifty-five, with subsequent recovery of the subject. The tumor weighed 111 1/2 pounds. The ingenious technic of this operation is well worth perusal by those interested.
Goodman successfully removed an elephantiasis of the scrotum from a native Fiji of forty-five. The tumor weighed 42 pounds, without taking into consideration the weight of the fluid which escaped in abundance during the operation and also after the operation, but before it was weighed. Van Buren and Keyes mention a tumor of the scrotum of this nature weighing 165 pounds. Quoted by Russell, Hendy describes the case of a negro who had successive attacks of glandular swelling of the scrotum, until finally the scrotum was two feet long and six feet in circumference. It is mentioned that mortification of the part caused this patient's ultimate death.
Figure 281 is taken from a photograph loaned to the authors by Dr. James Thorington. The patient was a native of Fiji, and was successfully operated on, with preservation of the testes. The tumor, on removal, weighed 120 pounds.
W. R. Browne, Surgeon-General, reports from the Madras General Hospital an operation on a patient of thirty-five with elephantoid scrotum of six years' duration. The proportions of the scrotum were as follows: Horizontally the circumference was six feet 6 1/2 inches, and vertically the circumference was six feet ten inches. The penis was wholly hidden, and the urine passed from an opening two feet 5 1/2 inches from the pubis. The man had complete control of his bladder, but was unable to walk.