
第11章 The Third Ingredient(7)


The young man flushed, and his dull eyes began to sparkle.“Because, madam,” said he, in accelerandoaccelerandoadj.[乐]渐速的adv.[乐]渐速地n.[乐]渐速音 tones, “I pay the chauffeurs wages and I own the automobile—and also this onion—this onion, madam.”


He flourished the onion within an inch of Hettys nose. The shoplady did not retreat a hairsbreadth.


“Then why do you eat onions,” she said, with biting contempt, “and nothing else?”


“I never said I did.” retortedretortv.反驳, 反击, 回报 n.曲颈甑, 曲颈瓶, 蒸器 the young man, heatedly. “I said I had nothing else to eat where I live. I am not a delicatessen storekeeper.”


“Then why.” pursued Hetty, inflexibly, “were you going to eat a raw onion?”


“My mother,” said the young man, “always made me eat one for a cold.Pardon my referring to a physical infirmityinfirmity n.虚弱, 衰弱, 缺点; but you may have noticed that I have a very, very severe cold. I was going to eat the onion and go to bed. I wonder why I am standing here and apologizing to you for it.”


“How did you catch this cold?” went on Hetty, suspiciously.


The young man seemed to have arrived at some extreme height of feeling. There were two modes of descent open to him—a burst of rage or a surrender to the ridiculous. He chose wisely; and the empty hall echoedecho n.回声, 回音, 回波vi.发回声, 随声附和 vt.模仿,重复, 反射[计] 禁止(或允许)在屏幕上显示批处理命令行 his hoarse laughter.


“Youre a dandy,” said he. “And I dont blame you for being careful.I dont mind telling you. I got wet. I was on a North River ferry a few days ago when a girl jumped overboard. Of course, I—”


Hetty extended her hand, interrupting his story.“Give me the onion.” she said.

赫蒂伸出手去,打断了他的叙说。 “把洋葱给我。”她说。

The young man set his jaw a trifle harder.


“Give me the onion.” she repeated.


He grinned, and laid it in her hand.


Then Hettys infrequentinfrequentadj.稀少的, 很少发生的, 罕见的, grim, melancholy smile showed itself. She took the young mans arm and pointed with her other hand to the door of her room.“Little Brother,” she said, “go in there. The little fool you fished out of the river is there waiting for you. Go on in. Ill give you three minutes before I come. Potatoes is in there, waiting. Go on in, Onions.”


After he had tapped at the door and entered, Hetty began to peel and wash the onion at the sink. She gave a gray look at the gray roofs outside, and the smile on her face vanishedvanish vi.消失, 突然不见, [数]成为零n.[语]弱化音 by little jerks and twitches.


“But its us,” she said, grimly, to herself, “its us that furnishes the beef.”
