
第2章 老外最感兴趣的上海历史文化(1)

History and Culture of Shanghai


Shanghai in Old Days

One unique cultural element in Shanghai is the Shikumen (石库门) residences, which are two- or three-story townhouses with the front yard protected by a high brick wall. Each residence is connected and arranged in straight alleys, known as a longtang (弄堂), pronounced longdang in Shanghainese. The entrance to each alley is usually surmounted by a stylistic stone arch. The whole resembles terrace3 houses or townhouses commonly seen in Anglo-American countries, but distinguished by the tall and heavy brick wall in front of each house. The name “Shikumen” means “stone storage door”, referring to the strong gateway to each house.


Because of Shanghai's status as the cultural and economic center of East Asia in the first half of the twentieth century, it is popularly seen as the birthplace of everything considered modern in China. It was in Shanghai, for example, that the first motor car was driven and (technically) the first train tracks and modern sewers4 were laid. It was also the intellectual battleground of writers who concentrated on critical realism, which was pioneered by Lu Xun and Mao Dun.


Other Shanghainese cultural artifacts include the cheongsam (Shanghainese: zansae), a modernization of the traditional Manchurian qipao. This contrasts sharply with the traditional qipao, which was designed to conceal the figure and be worn regardless of age. The cheongsam went along well with the western overcoat and the scarf, and portrayed a unique East Asian modernity, epitomizing the Shanghainese population in general. As Western fashions changed, the basic cheongsam design changed, too, introducing high-neck sleeveless dresses, bell-like sleeves, and the black lace frothing at the hem of a ball gown. By the 1940s, cheongsams came in beaded bodices, matching capes and even velvet. Later, checked fabrics became also quite common. The Shanghainese styles have seen a recent revival as stylish party dresses and the fashion industry has been rapidly revitalized in the past decade.



1.residence[?rezid?ns] n. 住宅,住处

例:The house is currently run as a country inn, but could easily convert back into a private residence.


2.stylistic [stai?listik] adj. 体裁上的;格式上的;文体论的

例:When translating something, you must follow the stylistic pattern of source text.


3.terrace [?ter?s] n. 阳台,平台;梯田

例:terraced house


4.sewers [?su:?(r)] n. 下水道

例:About 10 catfish were found swimming in the sewer.


5.battleground [?b?tl?ɡraund] n. 战场

例:Children's literature is an ideological battleground.


6.artifacts ['a:rtif?kts] n.人工产品

例:During colonial times, archaeologists hauled off Babylon's artifacts to Europe.


7.cheongsam [?t?????s?m] n.旗袍

例:I want to by a cheongsam for my sister.


8.Manchurian [m?n?t?u?ri?n] adj.


例:The Qing Dynasty was itself “foreign”, the product of a Manchurian overthrow of the Ming Dynasty.


9.epitomize [i?pit?maiz] v. 概括;摘要;成为…的缩影

例:Lyonnais cooking is epitomized by the so-called “bouchons”.

被称作 bouchon 的里昂小餐馆是里昂饮食的缩影。


A: Where have you been these days?


B: I have been to Shanghai--the economic center of China.


A: Is there anything special in Shanghai?


B:Of course there is. The most typical scenery in Shanghai is Longtang.


A: What will come to your mind when it comes to Shanghai?


B:The first thing which comes to my mind is qipao. I think it is a symbol of Shanghai in the 1920s.我能想到的第一种东西就是旗袍,我认为它是20世纪20年代上海的象征。

A:I always think of Eileen Zhang when people talk about Shanghai, and you?


B:I feel the same. Many novels of Eileen Zhang are based on Shanghai.我也有同感,张爱玲的许多小说都是以上海为背景的。


说起上海的石库门(Shikumen)就不得不提起中国各地的民居特色了。中国地大物博,各个民族、各个地区都有其典型的居住特色。北京的四合院(Chinese quadrangles)尤为典型,还有福建客家土楼(Hakka Earth building),西北的窑洞(cave dwelling),北方草原的蒙古包(Mongolia Yurt),西双版纳的竹楼(bamboo house)等。各种民居形式应有尽有。


Revolutionary Road of Shanghai

Shanghai is the largest city by population in the People"s Republic of China (PRC) and the largest city proper by population in the world. It is one of the four province-level municipalities of the PRC, with a total population of over 23 million as of 2010. It is a global city with influence in commerce, culture, finance, media, fashion, technology and transport. It is a major financial center and the busiest container port in the world.
