
第20章 日常生活(3)

foreign letter 外埠信

fragile 易碎品

general delivery


glass ware 易碎品

inland call 国内电话

inland letter 国内信函

junk mail 广告邮件

letter 信函

letter abroad 海外信函

letter box 信箱,邮筒

lobby 营业厅

local call 本埠电话

local letter 本埠信函

magazine 杂志

mail 邮寄

mail box 邮筒

mailgram 邮递电报

microphone 电话

money order 汇票

newspaper 报纸

package 包裹

parcel 包裹

parcel form 包裹单

parcel post 包裹邮递

philately 集邮

phone 电话

pillar box 信筒,邮筒

post 邮政

postage 邮资

printed matter 印刷品

rate book 运价总簿

registered mail 挂号邮件

remit 汇款

return address 寄信人地址

special delivery 专递

stamp 邮票

surface 表面

telegram 电报

telex 电传

the rate per minute 每分钟费用

the rate per word 每字费用

transcontinental call 跨州长途

zip code 邮编

cancel 取消

deliver 投递

dial 拨号

fasten 固定

fill out 填写

forward 转寄

insure 保险

lick 舔贴

pick up 取信

post 邮寄

receive 收到

register 挂号

seal 封信

send 送,寄

stamp 盖邮戳


情境1 预约去医院


Do I have to go to the hospital?我一定要去医院吗?

Please take me to the hospital.请带我去医院。

My name is Liu, and I have an appointment.我姓刘,我有预约。


Should I be in hospital?我得住院吗?

Must I make an appointment by phone?我必须得电话预约吗?

I would like to make an appointment with Doctor Smith.


I would like to make an appointment to see the doctor.我想预约看病。

What are the doctor's consultation hours?请问医生问诊的时间是几点?

情境2 挂号


Is the doctor in?医生在吗?

I would like to consult the doctor.我想跟医生咨询一下。

Which department should I register with, madam?


You'd better go to the medical department.你最好去医务部。

What seems to be the problem?你哪儿不舒服?

How long have you had the problem?你这个问题有多久了?

In that case, you have to fill in this registration card.Your age, gender,address and so on.



Can you direct me to a good doctor?您能帮我推荐一个好医生吗?

Please introduce me to a good doctor.请给我介绍个好医生。

Please recommend me to a good doctor.请给我介绍个好医生。

Please send me a doctor.请给我叫个医生来。

Could you bring me to a good doctor?你能给我找个好医生吗?

Take the lift to the third floor and then make a left turn.


Go along the corridor until you see the sign on your right.


情境3 医生询问


Tell me what your problem is 跟我说说你哪里不舒服?

What's wrong/matter with your ear?你耳朵怎么了?

Where does it hurt?哪里疼?

When did the pain start?从什么时候开始疼的?

Since when have you been feeling like that?你从什么时候开始这样的?

How long have you had this trouble?这种症状持续多久了?

How long has it been this way?这样有多久了?

What did you eat yesterday?你昨晚吃了什么东西?

Do you feel tired?你感觉累吗?

Are you feeling sick?你恶心想吐吗?

Do you have any appetite?你吃饭有胃口吗?

Did you have any pains here before?这里以前疼吗?

How is your sleep?你睡眠情况怎么样?

Is this cut still painful?伤口还疼吗?


What seems to be the trouble/problem?哪里不舒服?

What's troubling you?你哪里不舒服?

In what way are you feeling sick?你感觉哪里不舒服?

What seems to be bothering you?你哪里不舒服?

Which tooth is troubling you?你哪颗牙疼?

What hurts you?你哪儿疼?

Have you taken any medicine for it?你吃药了吗?

Any vomiting?呕吐吗?

Are your bowel movements regular?大便正常吗?

Do you cough?咳嗽吗?

Do you feel short of breath sometimes?


Do you have any difficulty breathing?你呼吸有困难吗?

Have you ever had this experience before?你以前有过这种情况吗?

Have you had any chronic diseases in the past?你有慢性病史吗?

Have you ever heard of any chronic diseases in your family?


Did you suffer from an allergy?你有过敏史吗?

情境4 症状描述


I feel bad/ sick today.我今天感觉不舒服。

I feel a little better today.今天我感觉好多了。

I have a fever.我有点发烧。

I have a cough.我有点咳嗽。

I'm afraid I've caught a cold.我可能是感冒了。

I have a high fever and a sore throat.我发高烧,嗓子疼。

This tooth hurts.这颗牙疼。

I have a sore foot.我脚疼。

Please rinse out your mouth.请漱口。

I think I have broken my leg.我想我的腿断了。

I have a pain in my stomach.我肚子疼。

I have something wrong with my stomach.我肚子不舒服。

I'm suffering from indigestion these days.我最近消化不良。

I ate too much.我吃撑了。

I haven't any appetite.最近没什么胃口。

I can't sleep well at night.我晚上睡眠不好。

I could hardly sleep last night.昨晚我几乎没睡。

My chest hurts.我胸口疼。

I feel dizzy.我感觉头晕眼花。

I have a headache.我头疼。

I have a pain here.我这里疼。


I feel peaked.没什么精神。

I have chills.我受了风寒。

My throat feels swollen.我嗓子肿了。

I can't keep any food down.我吃不下饭。

I can't bite down because of the pain.我牙疼得吃不下东西。

My lower jaw feels swollen.我下颚有点肿。

My tooth cap has come off.我的牙掉了。

I have gotten corns on my foot.我脚上生了鸡眼。

→corns 鸡眼

I have gotten blisters on my right foot.我右脚上起水泡了。

→blister 水泡

My shoes pinched me.我的鞋夹脚。

I have a pain in abdomen.我胃疼。

I have diarrhea.我有点拉肚子。

I have sore eyes.我眼睛疼。

情境5 治疗


Please take an X-ray.请帮我拍个X光片。

Please write me a preion.请给我开点药。

Will I be all right again soon?我会很快好起来吗?

How long will it take before I get well?我要过多久才能好起来?

Do I have to stay in bed?我必须得卧床休息吗?

I have been in bed for couple of days.我已经在床上躺了好几天了。

Is my sickness serious?我的病严重吗?

I would like some medicine.我想买点药。

Please give me some pain killers/something to kill the pain.


How often should I take the medicine?这药要怎么吃?


Is it necessary to follow a special diet?我需要进行食疗吗?

Where can I get the preion filled?请问哪里可以买药?

Do I need a shot?我需要打针吗?

How long do I have to keep quiet?我要保持安静多久?

How long will it take to recover?我要多久才能恢复?

Is this disease catchy/infectious?这种病会传染吗?

→catchy,infectious 传染

I would like to take something for digestion and some vitamins.


When shall I take the medicine?我该什么时候吃药?

情境6 探病


How are you feeling?你感觉怎么样?

How are you?你好点了吗?

Are you feeling better?你好点了没?

Can I get anything for you?需要我给你带点什么东西吗?

Is there anything I can do for you?有什么需要我帮你做的?

I hope you get well soon.希望你能赶紧好起来。

Take care.保重。

Get well soon.快点好起来。

You look good.你看上去气色很好啊。

When will you be discharged?你什么时候出院?

Would you like me to come and pick you up?需要我来接你吗?

When is the visiting hour?探病时间是几点到几点?


Do you have everything you need to stay here?


Please do not hesitate to let me know if there's anything I can do for


Are you doing OK so far?你目前情形如何?

How are you doing so far?你最近身体怎么样?

You look better than before.你看起来比以前好多了。

You seem much better now.你现在看上去好多了。

Do you want me to stay overnight with you tonight?
