When we are young,our skin stretches tightly over the muscles of the face,much like a rubber mask.As we grow older,our skin loses some of its elasticity,or stretch.Our face also shrinks a little.But because of the loss of elasticity,the skin no longer stretches tightly over the face.Little creases,or wrinkles,appear according to the way in which the skin has been moved and stretched for many years.
Where Do Tears Come From
Your tears come from tiny sacs located in the outer corners of each eye.Each time you blink,the eyelids squeeze drops of tears from the tear sacs.The tears help to wash away dust and keep your eyes moist and healthy.The tears collect in the corners of the eye and drain out tiny openings into your nose.when you cry,the tears flow too fast to drain away.They spill over your eyelids and run down your cheeks.
Why Doesn’t It Hurt When Your Hair Is Cut
The hair that grows outward from the skin consists of dead cells,similar to those in the fingernails.These dead cells contain no nerves.Thus you fell no pain when your hair or nails are cut.But the hair is rooted in a layer of the skin which contains many nerve cells.That is why it hurts when someone yanks your hair hard.
Why Does a Mosquito Bite Itch
The itchy welt you get from a mosquito bite is caused by a liquid that the mosquito puts into your skin.When one bites it pricks your skin with its sharp beak.Then it sucks up a drop of blood for food.A liquid in the insect’s mouth keeps the blood thin and easy to suck.Some of this liquid gets under your skin.Most people are allergic to the liquid.It causes the bite to swell and itch.
What Is Ringworm
Ringworm is the name of a common skin disease.Ringworm is not caused by a worm.It is an infection caused by tiny plants known as fungi.The infection seems to heal in the center,and the ringworm sore appears as a red,scaly ring.The disease is highly infections,and can spread to other parts of the body.It can be easily cured by a doctor.
Why Do Indians Wear Feathers
The feathers an Indian warrior wore in his hair were awards given for special deeds in war.Each feather meant something.A feather that was split or dyed red,for example,meant that the warrior had been wounded.The position of the feather meant something,too.A feather standing straight up meant“brave deed”.A feather pointing down meant“less brave deed”—but still brave.
How Does a Broken Bone Heal
If you accidentally break a bone,the broken bone begins at once to produce new bone making material to bridge the broken ends.At first the new bone material is soft and easily injured.and the broken ends must be held firmly in place with a cast or splint as the bone heals.Gradually the new bone hardens until it forms a solid connection between the broken ends.
What Are Blackandblue Marks
When you receive a sharp blow,tiny blood vessels break inside your skin.Blood flows into the bruised area,and the bump becomes swollen and red.The blood that gets trapped in the bump later becomes dark and discoloured.When the bluish colour shows through your skin,we say you have a blackandblue mark.
What Is the Blind Spot in the Eye
Your eyes contain lightsensitive cells that allow you to see.But there’s one part of your eye that has none of these visual cells.It is called the blind spot.Anything that comes in line with this blind spot becomes invisible.Ordinarily,we do not notice this partial blindness,because the eye is always moving and only a small part of any image falls on
the blind spot.