The Ushaped pipe under a sink,tub,or toilet is called a “water trap”.The waste water that goes down the sewer gives off a smelly gas called sewer gas.When waste water drains through a water trap,some of the water stays in the bottom curve of the pipe.The trapped water forms a water seal that keeps the sewer gases from coming back into the house.
How Does the Sun Tan Our Skin
There are special cells in your skin that produce a dark colouring pigment.This pigment,called melanin,gives the brown colour to the skin.When your skin is exposed to sunlight,the melaninproducing cells make an extra amount of melanin,and the skin becomes darker than usual.We call this browning action“tanning”.
What Makes a Boomerang Return
The returning boomerang is nearly Vshaped,and its arms are slightly twisted.The thrower hurls the boomerang forward a flip of the wrist so that it Spins through the air.Because of its twisted shape,the air pushes against one part of the boomerang more than another,so that it has to travel in a curved path.As it slows down,the boomerang circles and returns toward the thrower.
How Are Baseballs Made
When you play with a baseball you are playing with a ball of yarn that has a leather cover glued around it to keep it from unwinding.To make an official baseball,the ball maker winds yarn around a small cork and rubber core.When it is nearly the size of a baseball,the ball maker dips the ball of yarn into a tub of special glue and stitches a leather cover over it.
What Causes the Colour We See
Light is made up of colours.Wherever light exists,colour does,too.The colour of any object depends on the colour of the light rays it reflects to our eyes.An apple looks red because it reflects the red rays of light.The ocean looks blue because it reflects the blue rays.Where there is no light,there is no colour.A tree that is green when we see it in light appears black at night.
Why Does a Train Have a Caboose
The caboose is the end car on a freight train where supplies and signals are kept.It is where the brakeman rides while the train is moving.He watches out of the caboose’s large windows to see that the train is running smoothly.It also serves as an off the on wheels for the train’s conductor.Here he keeps records of the freight,and where to drop off cars and pick up other cars.
Where Does Chocolate Come From
Chocolate is made from the seeds,or beans,of the tropical cacao tree.The beans grow in pods that look like long cantaloupes.At the chocolate factory,the beans are roasted and ground.The grinding action melts the fatty“cocoa butter”in side the beans,and turns it into a thick chocolate liquid.When poured into moulds,the liquid hardens into cakes of unsweetened chocolate.
Why Does Silver Tarnish
Silver tarnishes for almost the same reason that iron gets busty.Tarnish is a form of corrosion.It is caused when oxygen in the air chemically combines,or joins,with the silver metal,covering it with a darkcoloured film.The sulfur in such foods as eggs and cabbage also causes sliver to quickly tarnish.To make silver look shiny again.we must use a sliver polish to remove the tarnish.
What Are Mummies
A mummy is simply a body that has been preserved by drying.The Egyptians believed that the spirits of the dead would live forever if their bodies were preserved.To mummy a body,the Egyptians first dried the body with chemicals,then wrapped the dried body in layers of cloth.The oldest mummy known to exist is that of the Egyptian Pharoah,RamsesⅡ.It is over 3,200years old.
How Does a Scab Form
When you cut yourself,blood flows out of the wound.You don’t bleed for a long time because the blood thickens,or clots,and fills the cut.Little by little,the clot hardens until it forms a tough scab.The scab protects the cut while it is healing.When the cut is completely healed,the scab falls off.
How Is Dry Milk Made
Dry,or powdered,milk is made by evaporating the water from the milk,and only the dry milk solids are left.To dry milk,the milk is heated to evaporate some of the water.The thickened milk is then sprayed as a fine mist into a drying chamber,where drafts of hot air quickly evaporate the remaining water in the milk,leaving a fine powder.Dry milk can be kept a long time without spoiling.When water is added,dry milk is as nourishing as fresh milk.
What Book Is the Statue of Liberty Holding