body 刚死不久的人的尸体;corpse 尸体,被看作是一个物体而不是人;stiff 尸体的非正式用语,尤其是一种幽默的说法;remains 某人死后留下的身体部分,尤其是死了很长时间的。
defy6 [ di..fai] v.使不可能;(公然) 违抗,藐视
[ 同义] disobey
[ 辨析] disobey;defy
disobey 不做有权势的人吩咐去做的事情;defy 有意公开地违背有权势的人,并不计较后果。
[ 例句] Billy defied his teache r and smoked openly.
dehumanize [ di..hju..m..naiz] v.使失去人性
[ 例句] The prisoners had been dehumanized by disease and ill tr eatment.
demolish [] v.拆毁
[ 同义] dest roy ,wreck
[ 反义] build up
[ 辨析] dest roy;wreck;demolish
dest roy 破坏某物非常严重,使它无法修复或存在;wr eck 破坏某物非常严重,使它无法修复或使用;demolish 用重型仪器破坏建筑物。
[ 例句] When the church of St John was demolished ,a ca -ve was discove red beneath it.
destiny6 [..destini] n.命运
[ 同义] fate
[ 考点] be sb .’s destiny to do sth.命中注定做.
shape one’s destiny 决定某人的命运cont rol/ determine/ take change of one’s destine 掌握某人的命运
[ 辨析] fate;destiny
fate 将会、必会发生在某人某物上的事物,尤其是不好的事情;destiny 某人生命中将要做的事情,以及在此期间将发生的事情。
[ 例句] 1) She felt that he r destiny had been shaped by her gender.
2) People want to be able to cont rol thei r own destiny.
emaciated [ i..mei..ieitid] adj.消瘦的
[ 同义] skeletal ,underweight
[ 反义] plump
[ 辨析] emacia ted;skeletal;underweight
emacia ted 人或动物由于极度的饥饿、严重的疾病而变得很瘦,可能会死;skeletal 瘦得能看见骨头;underweight 尤其是用于医学,非常瘦,通常是不健康的。
[ 例句] Towards the end of his life he looked emaciated ,his cheeks hollowed and his eyes sunken.
holocaust [ ] n.大屠杀
[ 例句] A nuclea r holocaust would leave few s urvivor s.
inhuman [ in..hju..m..n] adj.残酷的,没有人性的
[ 同义] c ruel
[ 反义] human
[ 辨析] c ruel;inhuman
c ruel 有意引起他人疼痛,并不关心他人是否受苦;inhuman 完全没有正常的对他人遭受的痛苦的关心。
[ 例句] Prisoners of war were subjected to inhuman and degrading t reatment.
lofty6 [..l..fti] adj.崇高的,高尚的;高耸的
[ 同义] high ,tall ,towering
[ 辨析] high;tall;towering;lofty
high 地面以上很高;tall (建筑、树、柱) 高,窄或瘦;tower ing 高得吓人或让人印象深刻;lof ty 主要用于文学,描写一个地方很高让人产生敬畏,或认为它漂亮。
[ 例句] Tom entered a lof ty hall,which led to a pleasant dining room.
obsess [ ] v.困扰
[ 同义] dominant ,haunt
[ 例句] The idea of finding her real mother seems to obses s her.
philosopher4 [ fi..l..s..f..] n.哲学家
pierce4 [ pi..s] v.(忧伤等) 强烈地影响,深深地打动;刺入,刺破
[ 同义] drill ,probe
[ 考点] pie rce through 刺入,刺破
[ 例句] The gun fir es a shell capable of pie rcing through the a rmour of a rmy tank.
romant icism [ r..u..m .. ntisiz..m] n.浪漫
[ 例句] He is an excellent tr avel writer ,whose descriptions contain a vivid st reak of romanticism.
rustle [] v.沙沙作响
[ 例句] I knew when the pr incess was approaching ,I could hear her dres s rustle.
sadist [..sedist ] n.虐待狂
[ 例句] Mr.Brown is a r eal sadist ,making us stand out - side in the pouring rain.
skeleton6 [..skelitn] n.①骨瘦如柴的人;②骨骼,骸骨
[ 例句] 1 ) After years in prison camps ,the prisoner wer e just skeletons
2 ) Children s hould drink milk to help them to develop strong skeleton.
starvation [ st......vei..n] n.饥饿,饿死
[ 同义] hunger ,famine
[ 辨析] hunger;sta rvation;famine
hunger 吃不饱的状态;starvation 因为吃不饱而受折磨或死去;famine 由于粮食欠收,一个国家、地区的人们非常饥饿,也许会死去的情况。
[ 例句] If the famine continues ,ther e is a real danger of mas s sta rva tion.suffering [..s..f..ri..] n.痛苦
[ 同义] agony ,torment
[ 辨析] suffer ing;agony;torment
suffer ing 受很多疼痛,有很多困难,被虐待的经历;agony 非常悲惨、艰难、不幸的境地,人们受很多苦,尤其是在很长一段时间之内;torment 严重的精神折磨,通常持续时间很长,经常是因自己做过的事的负罪感或遗憾引起的。
[ 例句] She described in horrific detail her suffering a t the hands of terrorists.
summit4 [ ] n.①最高会议②最高点,顶点
[ 同义] confer ence ,convention ,top c rest
[ 辨析] confe rence;convention;summit;top;summit;crest conference 大型会议,人们通常讨论经济、政治等重要问题,尤其是持续几天;convention 某政党或专业团体成员参加的大型会议,通常每年一次;summit 大国政府首脑之间的会议,讨论国际事务;top 某物的顶点或最高点;summit 山的顶部;cr est 小山或海浪的顶部。
[ 例句] NATO leaders are prepar ing for a summit conference to decide the future of the alliance.
tormentor [ t......ment..] n.折磨者
torture4 [..t....t....] n.折磨
[ 同义] n.agony ,distr es s,suffering
v.agonies ,dist ress ,torment
[ 考点] be under tor ture 受折磨;折磨
tor ture oneself with sth.用.折磨自己
[ 例句] The book suggests that women ar e more used to pain than men ,so as a re not likely to divulge secrets under tor ture.
tribe6 [ t raib] n.部落
[ 同义] clan
[ 例句] Many tribes which in the past governed themselves a re now a pa rt of a la rge r county.
wager [weid....] v.打赌
[ 例句] I’ll wager you $5 tha t they’ll get there fi rst.
woe [ w..u] n.悲哀,苦恼
[ 例句] He r clothes tat tered and he r face was lined and full of woe.
in fear of 为.提心吊胆
[ 例句] Linda sat inside ,in fear of he r life until the police came.
put an end to 使.终止
[ 例句] The gove rnment intends to put an end to inflation once and for all.