
第99章 昆虫的一生

Most insects start life inside an egg.The animal that comes out of the egg looks different from its parents.It does not have wings.It may not even have legs.As the insect grows,it starts to change shape.This change is called metamorphosis.There are two kinds of metamorphosis,called incomplete and complete.

Dragonflies,grasshoppers,and crickets are some insects that go through incomplete metamorphosis as they grow up.The young insects are called nymphs or naiads.The young insect molts,or crawls out of its exoskeleton,as it grows bigger.It grows a new,larger exoskeleton.Its body changes each time it molts.Soon it gets the shape of an adult insect with wings.

Butterflies,moths,beetles,bees,and flies are insects that go through complete metamorphosis.The young insects are called larvae.They look completely different from their parents.Caterpillars are the larvae of butterflies and moths.Maggots are the larvae of flies.

Larvae change into another stage called the pupa.The pupae of many insects spin a protective case made of silk called a cocoon or a chrysalis.The larva’s body changes completely inside the case.A caterpillar changes into a beautiful butterfly or moth.A maggot becomes a housefly.The adult insect then breaks out of its case.Flying insects pump blood into their new wings and fly away.
